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What is BDD Testing? A Complete Guide

BDD testing is an Agile approach to software testing where testers write test cases in simple language that even people without technical expertise can understand. The goal of BDD testing is to increase collaboration between the technical side and the business side. The Gherkin language is a unique business-readable language used to describe system behaviors and scenarios. It is structured by 3 primary statements: Given - When - Then, with each statement describing a specific aspect of the system.

TDD vs BDD: Full Comparison

TDD (Test Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior Driven Development) are fairly similar development approaches that both emphasize testing and collaboration, yet have major differences in focus and methodology. Simply put, in TDD, developers test first, then use the test results to guide their development, while in BDD, developers express the system behavior they want to create through Gherkin syntax, then code according to those Gherkin expressions.

Understanding Behavior Driven Development: A Comprehensive Guide

As software development projects become more complex, the need for effective testing tools and methodologies becomes increasingly important. One such methodology that has gained popularity in recent years is behavior-driven development (BDD). Behaviour Driven Development, orBDD, is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between developers, testers, and business stakeholders.

BDD vs TDD vs ATDD: Key Differences

The software development process involves the use of a myriad of tools, languages, and frameworks. Typically, software developers don’t encounter difficulty while writing the code. But what seems challenging to them is how to address various test cases, determine the code to write, and predict the user’s requirements. These difficulties can be alleviated by writing easy-to-understand tests that provide a developer with a set of precise criteria to fulfil.

Unlocking the value of tester-developer collaboration

In the era of digital transformation, misalignment between the business leaders steering the overall strategy and the technical experts who build, implement, and maintain solutions is one of the top blockers to a successful sea change. These groups need to be able to collaborate to define what each solution requires and the why behind it.

Cucumber and Gherkin Language Best Practices

BDD or Behavior Driven Development is a development approach, but even if you don't utilize it, we think Cucumbe r (or a comparable tool) is useful since it "pushes" you to document your automated tests before implementing them. Cucumber is another traditional Selenium substitute, but there are some significant differences between the two systems. Cucumber is an automation tool for behavior-driven development(BDD), whereas Selenium is an automation tool for web apps.

What's New for Zephyr Enterprise: Better features for BDD, test automation, and Jira integration.

We’ve been hard at work over the past year with new features every month, and we’re super excited to tell you about the new capabilities. Our product roadmap focus has been relentless. Helping your teams get: All of this while making Zephyr Enterprise more scalable and secure for your teams. We know how important these themes are, and we’re committed to meeting Enterprise teams where they’re at, and getting them to where they’re going.

What Is Gherkin & How Do You Write Gherkin Tests?

When it comes to writing and testing software, teams have a lot of alternatives. How do you know what syntax to use and which testing solution is best for you? In this post, we'll look at how to utilize Gherkin and Gherkin tests. We'll go through the syntax, how to construct a test, and the benefits and drawbacks.

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Five steps towards better software for A11Y accessibility

The A11Y movement is an important one, because it refers to how accessible software is to everyone, ensuring that apps can be used by the maximum number of people to ensure inclusivity. The A11Y is a numeronym, with 11 referring to the number of letters that the word 'accessibility' contains between 'a' and 'y'. Nor is this just about reaching the most potential customers: with increasing numbers of websites and apps being used for healthcare, government and more, A11Y has become a must. After all, in many countries, accessibility is a right protected by law.