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5 Tips to Take Your Development Pipeline to the Next Level

Development can successfully remove the bottlenecks created by waterfall methodology by improving development productivity through encouraging collaboration,continuous feedback loops, and automating processes. Collaboration. Feedback. Automation. These are the main building blocks of Development operations. However, not all Development implementations are successful. Why? Building blocks are not enough. You need to take these building blocks and design a Development pipeline that suits your needs.

Ansible vs Jenkins

One of the challenges when you’re starting out with Development is getting the lay of the land. There are a lot of tools out there. And when one of the goals of Development is continually improving your processes, it’s important for you to understand how those tools might fit in your infrastructure. At the same time, you want to be efficient. You don’t want to add tools that overlap with one another. Or tools that cost more than other effective alternatives.

Learn Jenkins: Top Jenkins Tutorials and Resources

If there’s one thing SRE professionals and Development engineers lack, it’s time. After all, engineers need to oversee a variety of processes—like ensuring operational stability, conducting integration testing, and maintaining cybersecurity—to make sure their apps are working optimally. The list goes on and on. With heavy workloads and tight deadlines, there’s little time to waste on software issues stemming from internal collaboration issues.

Which is better to Create Web Apps: Laravel or CakePHP?

Laravel development services have been growing in popularity, with the Laravel framework often being compared to CakePHP. This article will show how to choose the best framework to meet specific business or solution requirements in the most effective way. Laravel and CakePHP are both very popular PHP frameworks. PHP is often used for creating dynamic websites or building high-end apps. PHP frameworks make it possible to create affordable websites with impressive UI/UX.

What Is Behavior-Driven Development?

We’ve written about the importance of testing before. If you’re in development, you’re no doubt familiar with agile methodology. But sometimes a test-driven approach seems at odds with going fast. And how do you best communicate the importance of testing to everyone on your team? If you’ve felt frustrated with test-driven development or don’t have buy-in from your team, behavior-driven development is there to help.

What Is SDLC? Understand the Software Development Life Cycle

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software. in detail, the SDLC methodology focuses on the following phases of software development: This article will explain how SDLC works, dive deeper in each of the phases, and provide you with examples to get a better understanding of each phase.

SOLID Design Principles Explained: The Single Responsibility Principle

SOLID is one of the most popular sets of design principles in object-oriented software development. All of them are broadly used and worth knowing. But in this first post of my series about the SOLID principles, I will focus on the first one: the Single Responsibility Principle.

What Is a Requirement Traceability Matrix?

When developing software applications, we want to make sure the application does what the software requirements say it’s supposed to do, and testing proves that it does. In this article, I’ll explore how to link requirements to test cases, and I’ll explain what a requirement traceability matrix is and how to build a simple one.

A Practical Guide to JavaScript Debugging

Being a UI developer, I’ve learned one thing: It doesn’t matter how carefully you write your code. Suppose you’ve double-checked that you defined and called all functions the right way or followed all the best practices. Even then you’ll see that a tiny variable can sneak behind and create an error. Now, suppose you find out that for some unknown reason a form validation or submit button isn’t working.

What Is Test Driven Development?

When I’m writing new software, one of the most important thoughts in my mind is how I’ll test to make sure it works. There are lots of ways to test software, and when you’re at your best, you should be using all of them. Sure, you should make sure that your QA team is able to verify that your code works before it goes live. You should make sure that the code passes acceptance tests, too.