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Node.js Microservices: Developing Node.js Apps Based On Microservices

Node.js application developers, in the ever-evolving business landscape, enjoy tangible advantages while incorporating microservices in Node.js apps development. The microservice architecture, or microservices, is a distinct method of software systems development, which attempts to create modules that are single-function, with well-defined operations and interfaces.

Kubernetes in Production: 6 Key Considerations

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for container orchestration. You can use it to deploy a highly resilient, self-healing infrastructure using automation and infrastructure as code (IaC). Kubernetes includes features for zero downtime deployments, scaling, automatic rollout and rollback of updates, and service discovery. Kubernetes is designed to help you manage container deployments at scale via REST API.

Java Development Mistakes: Avoid These 7 Mistakes When Java Developing

Over time, Java has become a popular programming language in software development. Although Java is more popular with developers than C or C++, this programming language still has its problems. Here are seven Java development mistakes that developers can make and how you can avoid them.

How to Create SQL Percentile Aggregates and Rollups With Postgresql and t-digest

When it comes to data, let’s start with the obvious. Averages suck. As developers, we all know that percentiles are much more useful. Metrics like P90, P95, P99 give us a much better indication of how our software is performing. The challenge, historically, is how to track the underlying data and calculate the percentiles. Today I will show you how amazingly easy it is to aggregate and create SQL based percentile rollups with Postgresql and t-digest histograms!

Kubernetes Security Best Practices You Must Know

Kubernetes (k8s) enables you to efficiently orchestrate container management, in the cloud or on-premises. As a whole, k8s provides many benefits, including features for self-healing, automated rollouts and rollbacks, load distribution, and scalability. However, k8s is a highly complex platform and requires extensive configuration.

How to Incorporate Security Into Your company's SDLC

It’s been shown that if you follow a proven collection of practices for developing, designing, testing, implementing, and maintaining your software, you will produce a much higher quality product. Over the past few years, we have seen an increasing number of cases of attacks on the application layer. The Open Web Application Security Project, OWASP, estimates that around one-third of web applications contain security vulnerabilities.

Everything you need to know about .NET 5.0

If you’re a developer of .NET supporting enterprise apps developed in the .NET framework, you should know how the .NET 5 would impact your current enterprise app. Moving forward, there will be only one .NET to target macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android, and more. Along with the release, there are new .NET APIs, language features, and runtime capabilities. The look and feel of the code and project files in .NET 5 would be the same, regardless of the type of app being created.

Ways to Ensure App Security With Java Features

As important as adding new features, app developers need to start placing more emphasis on the security aspect of the applications they design. After all, more app features mean more data residing within an app. Without proper security controls in place, that data can be vulnerable to intruders.

What is Code Profiling? Learn the 3 Types of Code Profilers

At Stackify, we’re all about helping you improve your application’s performance. We have actually developed two code profilers ourselves. Because of that, we like to think we know a thing or two about code profiling. Today I want to talk about the three different types of code profilers, describe the differences between them, and recommend some tools for your toolbox.