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insightsoftware Named an Overall Leader in the Dresner 2024 Wisdom of Crowds Business Intelligence Market Study

Achieving a perfect recommend score, Logi Symphony from insightsoftware maximizes the value of an organization’s BI efforts, helping to drive critical business decisions RALEIGH, N.C.

Save Time and Improve the Accuracy of Your NetSuite Reporting

Financial and operational reporting for NetSuite can be a challenge. As is the case with many ERP systems, NetSuite’s reporting capabilities tend to be somewhat restrictive. It can be difficult to pull information from multiple NetSuite modules into a single, cohesive report. In other instances, information for which there ought to be a fairly straightforward reporting process turns out to be inaccessible.

5 Reasons You Need to Add Atlas to Microsoft Dynamics

Originally created in the 1890s, the Swiss army knife was a logical solution to officers’ need to be able to repair their weapons, open their canned food, and cut things as needed. Since then, simple items that offer multiple solutions to achieve a goal are often referred to as being the Swiss army knife of their kind.

Best Practices for Your Project Reporting Toolbox

The complexity and variability of project-based businesses represent distinct challenges for finance and accounting teams. Costing, procurement, subcontractor management, and labor combine to create a level of intricacy that businesses in other sectors don’t have to contend with. How do you navigate the complexity of your project-based financial reporting?

3 Ways to Monetize Your Application Data with Embedded Analytics

Data is one of the most valuable commodities an organization has. Every company stores and manages a substantial amount of information. But how do you gain revenue from it? Here, we discuss three ways you can monetize data with an embedded analytics investment.

Improve Product Stickiness and User Adoption with Embedded Analytics

You’ve heard of throwing ideas at a wall until something sticks–as a product manager, you may find you’re doing the same with application features. For application teams, creating sticky applications that customers can rely on and continue using for years to come is key to maximizing revenue. Elements like intuitive interfaces, personalized experiences, seamless integrations, and valuable core functionalities all contribute to this stickiness.