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From Native Microservices to Full API Gateway Adoption in a Hybrid Mesh Ecosystem in the Cloud

ManoMano is a french DIY marketplace that faces scalability issues due to its hyper-growth — 100% growth in 2020 to €1.2 billion. To tackle this challenge, their website has slowly transformed from a “classic” backend application serving html to a microservices-based architecture.

Scaling Service Mesh Across Clouds

In the traditional datacenter, distributed workloads simply existed across multiple datacenters. As businesses evolve their applications in the cloud native era, this degree of distribution scales as well. Workloads landing in multiple VPCs grow in commonality, and in many cases exist between cloud environments. In this Destination: Scale session, Cody De Arkland - Principal Technical Marketing Engineer, Service Mesh, Office of the CTO - shows how Kuma provides a method to connect these applications through its advanced multi-zone capabilities, and how this model enables global scale.

APIOps for Standardization Without Hindrance (Destination: Scale)

Typically, there are two options to ensuring APIs have the right governance: manual checks or long documentation (or both). There is now a third option in APIOps — integrating your GitOps process with the API lifecycle, automating the enforcement of API standards from design time. This ensures API security, quality, consistency and resiliency across distributed teams at scale, therefore improving productivity for developers and operators whilst reducing risk overall.