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Leveraging AI and Analytics in Your Data Privacy Program

In an age of rapid technological transformation, governments are playing regulatory catch-up as they try to keep pace with technological developments and the increasing amount of personal identifiable information (“PII”) generated by our every-day lives. Privacy laws regulating the use of PII continue to strengthen (Gartner estimates that while 10% of the world’s population was covered by comprehensive privacy laws in 2020, by year-end 2024 it will be 75%).

Secure Internal Microservice Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide

Internal microservice authentication is a critical component of software development. It ensures that only authorized users and services can access sensitive information and perform actions within a system. With the rise of microservices architecture and the increasing complexity of modern software ecosystems, implementing effective authentication mechanisms for internal microservices has become more important than ever.

Comprehensive Guide to Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

In an era where businesses are adopting digital transformation at a rate that is beyond comprehension, exposure management is a critical component of any strategy to successfully handle the omnipresent problem of mitigating cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security threats. Businesses could profit from adopting new technology and digital services, but doing so expands the attack surface, making them more vulnerable to forthcoming attacks.

Securing Access: A Guide to Implementing API Keys in AWS API Gateway

Implementing an API gateway API key is key to securing your APIs. In this guide, you’ll learn to generate and apply these keys, ensuring your AWS API gateway effectively authenticates and processes authorized client requests. We’ll dive into setup procedures, management tips, and security best practices to help you maintain robust access control. Get ready to fortify your services’ entry points.

How to Secure REST APIs: API Keys Vs OAuth

REST, a.k.a. Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style commonly used in software development. Applications built via REST-style development tend to be excellent examples of distributed hypermedia applications. However, they don’t often have excellent innate security options. That’s where API keys and OAuth tokens come in. In this article, we’ll cover how to secure REST APIs with either API keys or OAuth.

Mastering API Gateway Auth: Proven Methods for Secure Connectivity

Securing your API gateway is critical to protect your services from unauthorized access and ensure safe data transmission. In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of API gateway auth, discuss the major authentication methods, and offer guidance for implementing and overcoming challenges in API gateway authentication—providing you with the knowledge to keep your digital assets secure.

Choreo's Managed Authentication for Single-Page Web Applications

Authentication and authorization play crucial roles in modern application development. Over the years, the way we implement these security measures has evolved, with protocols like OAuth2/OpenID Connect now being widely used. While web applications can manually implement these protocols, it requires a certain level of expertise. Moreover, when it comes to single-page applications (SPAs), additional measures are necessary to securely manage security tokens on the application side.

7 Key Features of WSO2 Identity Server 7.0 Every Application and API Developer Should Know

As the open source leader in IAM, we’re excited to release WSO2 Identity Server 7.0. If you’ve been involved in the IAM space for some time, you might remember that WSO2 Identity Server 5.0 released in 2014, which was a revolutionary product at that time. It brought an innovative experience for identity domain experts to model and implement their access management requirements.

When to Share Info on Security Tests

Discover how Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CICD) and quality assurance (QA) bolster cybersecurity in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Join us on this episode of Test Case Scenario as we uncover strategies to enhance defenses against cyber threats with special guest, Karen Laiacona Frazier, Senior Director QA at Unqork. Learn how CICD and QA play crucial roles in fortifying software security, ensuring robust protection throughout development.