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VS Code Linux Shortcuts for 10x Productivity

It is possible to become more efficacious and proficient with any tool when you know how to use shortcuts. Consider this for a moment. Do you think it is okay if someone repeatedly selects text by dragging through the mouse and selecting the cut option from the menu for once instead of pressing Ctrl+X? or by holding down the mouse button to copy the entire text instead of pressing Ctrl+A? There is no exception to this rule when it comes to Linux shortcuts.

Writing an eBPF/XDP load-balancer in Rust

In today’s cloud ecosystem the demands for high functioning and high performance observability, security and networking functionality for applications and their network traffic are as high as ever. Historically a great deal of this kind of functionality has been implemented in userspace, but the ability to program these kinds of things directly into the operating system can be very beneficial to performance.

Linux Crash Course - Beginner to Advance | Linux Commands and Architecture | Antino Labs

This Linux crash course will help you in gaining insights on Linux commands and architecture. This Linux crash course covers the concept of Linux from beginner to advanced level. This will get help you in getting a much better hold over the Linux commands. Apart from the Linux commands, we have integrated the concepts of architecture as well. We request you keep watching the video till end if you really want to gain worthy insights over Linux commands.

Steps to Install Kafka on Ubuntu 20.04: 8 Easy Steps

Apache Kafka is a distributed message broker designed to handle large volumes of real-time data efficiently. Unlike traditional brokers like ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ, Kafka runs as a cluster of one or more servers which makes it highly scalable and due to this distributed nature it has inbuilt fault-tolerance while delivering higher throughput when compared to its counterparts. This article will walk you through the steps to install Kafka on Ubuntu 20.04 using simple 8 steps.