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Service Mesh

Kuma 1.4 and Kong Mesh 1.5 Released With RBAC, Windows Support, 2x Performance and 25+ New Features

We are happy to announce a new major release of Kuma, and a new major release of Kong Mesh built on Kuma! Kuma 1.4 ships with 25+ new features and countless improvements, particularly when it comes to performance. As previously announced at Kong Summit 2021, Kong Mesh ships we enterprise capabilities for large scale service mesh deployments, like RBAC, and native support for Windows VMs.

Faster Microservice-to-Microservice encrypted communication with Kong Mesh and Intel

Service Mesh is an infrastructure layer that has become a common architectural pattern for intra-service transparent communication. By combining Kubernetes a container orchestration framework, you can form a powerful platform for your microservices cluster, addressing the typical technical requirements that occur in highly distributed environments. A service mesh is implemented through a sidecar configuration, or proxy instance, for each service instance.

Understanding the Basics of Envoy Configuration - Denver Meshy Mesh Meetup

Envoy is a key part of a number of service meshes currently on the market, including Istio and the Kuma CNCF Sandbox project. As such, it is often helpful to better understand how Envoy is configured to operate as a data plane in a service mesh. In this session, you’ll learn about the basics of Envoy configuration, like listeners, filters, clusters, and endpoints.

Demo: Zero Trust Security with Service Mesh

As the number of microservices increases and deployed across private and public networks, security is critical. Leveraging a Service Mesh guarantees the security of applications and services without burdening developers to build security, freeing them to focus on business logic and allowing organizations to meet and prove their compliance and security requirements. TIMECODES #ZeroTrust #ServiceMesh #mtls #OPA #KongMesh #KongSummit

Application Observability With Kuma Service Mesh

The more services you have running across different clouds and Kubernetes clusters, the harder it is to ensure that you have a central place to collect service mesh observability metrics. That’s one of the reasons we created Kuma, an open-source control plane for service mesh. This tutorial will show you how to set up and leverage the Traffic Metrics and Traffic Trace policies that Kuma provides out of the box.