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Service Mesh

Scaling Service Mesh Globally and Across Environments

A true service mesh should focus on how to manage and orchestrate connectivity globally. Connecting a new service mesh for each use case is a much simpler problem to solve, but doing so won’t help you scale. You’ll just be throwing a service mesh in each cluster and calling it a day.  The more appealing solution is to stitch together environments.

Creating Envoy WebAssembly Extensions

In the CNCF ecosystem, Envoy, an open source service proxy developed by Lyft, is a very common choice in service mesh networking. In a previous post we discussed that both Consul and Istio leverage Envoy. Were you aware that you can extend Envoy’s capabilities with WebAssembly? What is WebAssembly? WebAssembly, or Wasm as it is often abbreviated, is not so much of a programming language as it is a specification for a binary instruction format that can be run in sandboxed virtual machines.

Staying Agile on VMs and Kubernetes With Service Mesh

Over the past ten years, Clubhouse and other innovative startups built software quickly. They started from scratch and blew past their incumbents. But the fact of the matter is that speed is no longer a differentiator. Everyone can move quickly. We’ve seen it as Facebook and Twitter quickly duplicated Clubhouse’s “innovative” functionality. Today, it’s all about agility—taking the momentum that you’ve already built up.

Announcing Istio integration

Adoption of service meshes like Istio is increasing. As a result, Speedscale has developed a webassembly plugin. We extended Envoy using Rust, and no changes are required to your Istio configuration. This allows us to leverage the same sidecars that you have deployed throughout your environment to inspect API traffic. Once we are listening through Istio, the typical Speedscale magic can take place. We can use the data to build integration/performance test suites and autogenerate service mocks.

MS3 Supports 10K+ Transactions/Second With Kong Gateway and Kuma Service Mesh

MS3 specializes in enterprise integration software, cloud migration strategies and API enablement. I’ve worked at MS3 for about five years. For the last year, I’ve been the principal product manager for Tavros, an enterprise integration platform from MS3. This article will dive into how we’re leveraging Kong Gateway and Kuma service mesh in Tavros.

API Gateway vs. Service Mesh

Service mesh expert Cody De Arkland explains the differences between an API gateway and service mesh and how they work together. An API gateway helps companies offer APIs “as a product” to internal or external clients/users via a centralized ingress point. They can also govern and control how they are being exposed and onboarded via a full lifecycle APIM platform. API gateways are commonly used when different applications need to talk to each other and create an abstraction layer between the clients and the underlying APIs.