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DevOps vs CI/CD - The Key Differences

DevOps vs CI/CD has been one of the key debates in the recent few years. This is due to the fact that these two software development methodologies have gained popularity in recent years. The goal of DevOps is to improve the speed and quality of software development and deployment. It does so by breaking down silos between different teams and streamlining workflows. On the other hand, CI/CD is a set of practices and tools that enable continuous integration, testing, and deployment of code changes.

A pragmatic guide to BuildContext in Flutter

As a senior Flutter developer, a big part of my daily job consists of reviewing code, mentoring other developers, and helping them with their problems. One mistake that I noticed developers repeating on many occasions is misusing BuildContext. I analyzed why this happens and came to the conclusion that it is because of an incomplete understanding of what BuildContext is, how it works, and its scope and lifecycle.

How-to configure SageMaker with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows developers to automate build, test, and deployment pipelines. Workflows automatically build and test code whenever an event occurs, such as a pull request or a deployment of merged pull requests to production. Best of all, you can use it without leaving the comfort of your own repository!

Tiny Flutter: The future of Dart & Flutter on small devices?

Dart recently added experimental support for the new RISC-V CPU architecture and the first boards with these new chips are now starting to be available. One of these is the Sipeed Lichee D1, a RaspberryPi type device that is able to run Linux and Dart. At the same time, tiny but very cheap OLED screens are showing up in all sorts of devices, from soldering irons to high end music synthesizers. But what does it mean for Flutter and its mission "Beautiful apps for every screen" when the screen is 1 inch with a resolution of 128x64? Is that even possible? In this talk I'll cover how to get Dart running on one of these boards, how to use these tiny screens from Dart and what parts of Flutter can help with using screens this small.

CircleCI Vs Travis CI: Which is the Best CI/CD Tool?

Today, CI/CD tools have become an inherent aspect of DevOps testing. There are various CI/CD tools available in the market, and finding the right one could be tedious. However, only a few CI/CD tools offer the entire continuous integration and deployment system. Leading among those few are CircleCI and Travis CI. To assist you in selecting the best CI/CD solutions, we present an in-depth CircleCI vs Travis CI comparison.

CI/CD automated testing: How to release fast, with confidence

If you’ve got an agile team interested in shipping fast without breaking things, this post is for you. In this piece, I’m going to explain how we at Rainforest QA approach automated testing in a continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline, with a focus on end-to-end (e2e) functional testing. The aim of our testing and other DevOps methodologies is to maintain a healthy balance between speed and product quality.

GitLab vs Jenkins - Which CI/CD tool should you choose?

Many changes keep happening in software daily, especially when it is big, like Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, etc. Such software contains a lot of modules, and there are different teams working on them that might never know each other’s names. But they still affect the same software even if they do in different ways. Along with working on features and enhancements, some people work on bugs and regularly rectify them to integrate the new code.