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Building a CLI with Laravel Prompts

As Laravel web developers, we often need to build Artisan commands for our applications. But interacting with the console can sometimes feel a little cumbersome. Laravel Prompts is a package that aims to improve this experience by providing a simple approach to user-friendly forms in the console. In this article, we'll take a look at Laravel Prompts and some of its features that you can use. We'll then build a simple GitHub CLI client using Prompts to demonstrate how to use it in your applications.

Sending email in Laravel with Mailgun

As a web developer, you will often need to send emails from your application. In fact, if you've been a developer for more than a few months, you've probably already had to do this. You might want to send emails for a variety of reasons, such as sending a welcome email to new users, sending a password reset email, or sending a notification to a user. Laravel makes it easy to send these types of emails to single recipients, thanks to some handy features such as mailables and notifications.

Architecture testing in Laravel with Pest

Maintaining standards in an ever-growing codebase that multiple developers contribute to can be difficult and tedious. Ensuring that the codebase follows best practices and does not deviate from the standards is essential for any project. But this is typically something that can only be enforced manually by code reviews and other similar processes. As with any other manual task, this can be time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone. That's where architecture testing comes in.

Working with DynamoDB in Laravel

When building your Laravel applications, you may sometimes need to use a NoSQL database to store and retrieve data. One popular choice is Amazon DynamoDB, a fully managed, serverless, and highly scalable NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this article, we'll take a brief look at DynamoDB. We'll then delve into how to use DynamoDB as a cache store in Laravel, and how to store Laravel models in DynamoDB using the baopham/laravel-dynamodb package.

Deploying serverless applications with Laravel Vapor

In recent years, the serverless paradigm has become known as a transformative approach to application development, allowing us to focus more on writing code and less on managing infrastructure. Laravel Vapor, a serverless deployment platform for Laravel applications, brings the power of the Laravel framework into the world of serverless architecture.

Processes and Artisan commands in Laravel

The command-line interface (CLI) can be a powerful tool for developers. You can use it as part of your development workflow to add new features to your application and to perform tasks in a production environment. Laravel allows you to create "Artisan commands" to add bespoke functionality to your application. It also provides a Process facade that you can use to run OS (operating system) processes from your Laravel application to perform tasks such as running custom shell scripts.

Securing Laravel forms using Cloudflare's Turnstile CAPTCHA

Security is an important aspect of any web application. It helps to ensure that your application is protected from malicious actors who may want to cause harm to your application or users, as well as bots trying to spam your forms with fake submissions. One common entry point, especially for automated scripts, is to submit data to publicly-accessible forms on your application.

Declaring check-ins in PHP/Laravel config

If your cron job fails in a forest, and nobody is around, does it make a sound? Honeybadger's check-in monitoring for PHP/Laravel gives you peace of mind, knowing that if any job fails, whether it's your billing cron job, your nightly backup, or even that third-party service's new integration, it won't happen silently. Instead, we'll notify you instantly via the tools you already use (Slack, PagerDuty, etc.).

Using Markdown in Laravel

In today's digital world, delivering rich and engaging content is essential for creating compelling web applications. Laravel, a popular and powerful PHP framework, provides developers with a wide array of tools and features to streamline content creation. One such tool that has gained significant traction is Markdown, which is a lightweight markup language that allows for easy formatting of plain text into structured and visually appealing content.