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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Marketing Automation Software

Marketing automation is a critical component of any successful business. It allows you to automate your marketing efforts and streamline how you manage your campaigns from start to finish. But choosing the right software can be tricky, with so many options available on the market today. This article will explore different types of marketing automation solutions and highlight what features make them unique and their pros and cons.

How to Generate a Snowflake API

Customer demand is in a constant state of fluctuation. Companies must keep pace or risk losing their position in a crowded market. Digital transformation is the driver to helping companies remain agile to meet their customers’ needs. The Snowflake data warehouse provides massive storage capabilities to facilitate combining figures from disparate systems. These figures help inform decision-making and provide valuable insight into driving business strategies.

7 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Change Data Capture

If you're a data warehouse or BI professional, the odds are that you've heard of CDC. But how much do you really know about this technology? How will it help your business? And why should you care about it at all? Read on to discover the answers to these questions and to develop your understanding of Change Data Capture.

Xplenty vs. Heroku Connect

When you're looking for effective ways to connect your data and transfer it safely, there are a few options to consider. Two of the top choices for companies across many markets are Heroku Connect and Xplenty. These top services allow the user to have greater flexibility and control over their data and how it's used. It's important to know which option is best for your specific needs.

What Is Application Integration?

Do you have content gaps? If so, you need application integration to ensure you get all the information and details you need to avoid gaps and blind spots in your company's business and data management approach. If you've yet to consider application integration, now is the time to learn why and how to get this essential feature that helps propel daily processes and decisions that can propel businesses to greater success even in a competitive market.

The Top 5 Benefits of Low-Code Development Platforms

According to a recent report by Appian, 84% of companies surveyed have turned to low-code tools to reduce the strain on their IT departments. In the same report, 43% of organizations surveyed reported greater agility and 43% reported reduced cost. Given these numbers combined with rapidly changing market conditions, companies must embrace digital transformation. Below, we’ll discuss the benefits of low-code development platforms and how it enables companies to remain agile.

Salesforce Integration: What You Need to Know

Salesforce has become synonymous with customer relationship management (CRM) by this point. It's the planet's most-used, most talked-about, and most lucrative CRM platform, generating an eye-watering $21.25 billion in the 2021 fiscal year alone. That's higher than the GDP of some countries. With a massive 19.8 percent share of the CRM market, Salesforce is the go-to platform for many data-driven organizations that want to track and engage customers. But Salesforce doesn't do everything.

Understanding Change Data Capture: Everything You Need to Know

With companies now collecting millions of data points from their customers, it is essential to implement efficient retrieving and storing of this data for analysis. If you are at all involved in building and managing systems, the chances are that you've heard of Change Data Capture (CDC). But what exactly is it? The acronym can be a bit confusing because most people think about 'capture' as something done by a person, such as taking notes during a meeting or capturing photos with a camera.

Snowflake vs. BigQuery

When it comes to data warehouse projects, if the wrong technology is chosen, the project is often doomed to failure. However, when data warehouse project managers take the time to weigh the pros and cons of various data warehouse providers, they often achieve terrific results. In the long run, taking the time to find the right technology is often a wise investment, as a successful data warehouse project has the power to transform any business through keen data-driven insights.