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The Screenplay Pattern Better Interactions for Better Automation - CTM Online

Automating interactions for tests is hard. For the past decade, the primary way to automate web UI interactions has been the Page Object Model. Unfortunately, page objects do not scale well because, by design, they allow lots of code duplication and unsafe activity. The Screenplay Pattern is a much better pattern for handling interactions. In Screenplay, Actors use Abilities to perform Interactions.

How to Bring Accessibility into Your Teams - CTM Online

How often have you heard that "Yes this is important, but we don’t have the capacity right now" or "sure, let’s put it in the backlog"? This is something we should not brush off or take lightly. Accessibility testing is vital especially when your product is a user facing application. We need to be socially aware as a team and build quality towards our product with making it more accessible.

Supercharge Software Development with Low-code Test Automation

In a fast-changing world, technology and business leaders need to adopt new approaches to software development that will align customer-facing functions, improve customer experience, reduce operational costs and support business growth. According to Gartner’s IT Automation Predictions for 2021, these new approaches will allow teams to spend less time testing and more time innovating, shifting up to 30% of IT operations efforts from support to continuous engineering.

Developing Manufacturing Agility for that Competitive Edge

Agility is one of the most important elements to the success of today’s manufacturing organizations. The ability to respond quickly to customer needs as market conditions change gives organizations a competitive edge while maintaining product quality and minimizing costs. Intelligent process automation is at the heart of making an organization's supply chain and operations more efficient, flexible and resilient.

What's new with k6 Cloud, with front-end lead Simon Legander (k6 Office Hours #36)

What's new with k6 Cloud? Today, k6 Cloud front-end developer lead Simon Legander talks to us about recent features including improved test scenarios, GRPC and WebSockets support, and a filterable breakdown in the k6 Cloud app. He is joined by Mark Meier, head of Customer Success, and Nicole van der Hoeven, Developer Advocate at k6.