Kong Ingress Controller 2.0: UDP Support, Prometheus Integrations, and More!

Kong Ingress Controller 2.0: UDP Support, Prometheus Integrations, and More!

Oct 25, 2021

As the most robust, scaleable and extensible version of our Kubernetes Ingress Controller to date, the KIC 2.0 release takes a major architectural leap forward. Try Kong Ingress Controller 2.0 today: https://bit.ly/3guN9D6

In this video, @Viktor Gamov, a principal developer advocate with Kong, explains and demonstrates the most exciting features from our latest release.


0:00 - Cold Open

0:33 - Intro

1:16 - Watch Namespaces

05:19 - UDP Ingress

09:51 - Prometheus Metrics

12:49 - It's a Wrap!


Announcement Blog: https://konghq.com/blog/kong-ingress-controller-2-0-now-ga-udp-support-prometheus-integrations-and-more/
Migration Guide: https://docs.konghq.com/kubernetes-ingress-controller/2.0.x/guides/upgrade/


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