Microservices Monitoring and Logging with Kong Konnect

Microservices Monitoring and Logging with Kong Konnect

Sep 28, 2021

It's quick and easy to set up microservices monitoring and logging with Kong Konnect. Try it for free: https://bit.ly/3A9njxz


0:00 Intro and Starting Setup

1:24 Set Up Kong Konnect

5:06 Add Services to Kong Konnect

6:50 Add Monitoring to Kong Konnect with Prometheus Plugin

7:47 Configuring Monitoring in Kong Konnect with Prometheus and Grafana

9:28 Adding Logging to Kong Konnect with the Loggly Plugin

10:33 Conclusion

Follow along in the blog version: https://bit.ly/3o4fQfG

#Prometheus #Grafana #Kubernetes #APM #Microservices #Loggly #APIgateway #Kong