Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Xdebug for PHP Developers: Advanced Debugging Made Easy

Debugging can be a challenging task for any programmer, and PHP developers are no exception. With the complexity of web applications and the ever-increasing demands on software development, debugging PHP code can be a time-consuming process. But what if there was a way to streamline the debugging process and make it more efficient and effective?

REST Client Made Easy: Exploring Top Libraries Across Languages

REST Client is like a messenger that helps applications talk to a server that provides a RESTful API. It handles tasks such as sending requests for data, updating resources, creating new records, or deleting existing ones. Imagine you need to retrieve information from a remote server or update data in a database. REST clients act as intermediaries, helping your application send requests to the server and receive responses back.

Understanding the Difference - Web APIs vs. Web Services

In today's digital world, where systems need to work together smoothly and communicate effectively, two important terms come into play, APIs and web services. These are the tools that help different applications and systems connect with each other seamlessly. APIs are like secret keys that unlock specific functions and data, saving time for developers and allowing them to reuse code.

Filebeat vs. Logstash: A Quick Comparison

When it comes to managing logs in a distributed environment, two popular open-source tools come to mind: Filebeat and Logstash. While both tools have similar goals, there are significant differences in their functionality and usage. Filebeat is a lightweight log shipper that collects, parses, and forwards logs to various outputs, including Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kafka.

View Models vs. View Composers: Understanding the Differences in Laravel

Are you familiar with Laravel, the popular PHP web application framework? If so, you may have heard of two key concepts in Laravel's view system: view models and view composers. While these terms may sound similar at first, they actually represent two distinct approaches to organizing and preparing data for views.

A Beginner's Guide to API Data Formats: JSON, XML, Plain Text, and Binary

Imagine you are sending a message to your friend, but you want to ensure that no one else can understand it. So lets say you are encoding your message using a special language that only you and your friend knows. This way, even if someone intercepts the message, they won't be able to understand its true meaning. The encoded message itself is what we call the "payload." In the world of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the concept of a payload is quite similar.

Java Memory Leak: Decoding Myths

Java undoubtedly is one of the most used programming languages today. Not surprising if you yourself were trained in it. Over the years, it has gained a reputation for being both powerful and efficient. However, like any other language, Java has its share of challenges. And one of these is the problem of memory leaks, and fair enough, there are more myths surrounding it than ways to overcome it. But this blog is all about it.

Guide to TypeScript and Styled Components

To attract more users and improve the overall user experience, it is crucial to have a visually appealing and well-designed user interface (UI) for our websites, applications, blogs, products, etc. The UI serves as the point of interaction between the user and the application. For example, consider the eCommerce portal. This user interface displays how the e-commerce application connects with its users through an attractive, accessible, and easy-to-understand design.

Getting Started with Parallel Processing in PHP

"Many hands make light work" applies well to the concept of parallel processing. It means that a task becomes easier and quicker when many people work together towards a common goal. In the context of computing, parallel processing refers to the ability to divide a task into smaller parts and distribute them across multiple processors or cores to complete the task more efficiently. Parallel processing involves breaking down a complex task into simpler ones, which can be executed in parallel.

Understanding the Elasticsearch Query DSL: A Quick Introduction

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine that excels at handling large volumes of data in real time. When we have such a large repository of data, singling out the most suitable context can be a grueling task. And precisely that’s why we query. Querying allows us to search and retrieve relevant data from the Elasticsearch index with relative ease. Elasticsearch uses query DSL for this purpose. Query DSL is a powerful tool for executing such types of search queries.