Unravel Data helps a lot of customers move big data operations to the cloud. Chris Santiago is Global Director of Solution Engineering here at Unravel. So Unravel, and Chris, know a lot about what can make these migrations fail. Chris and intrepid Unravel Data marketer Quoc Dang recently delivered a webinar, Reasons why your Big Data Cloud Migration Fails and Ways to Overcome. You can view the webinar now, or read on to learn more about how to overcome these failures.
Data Discovery and Exploration (DDE) was recently released in tech preview in Cloudera Data Platform in public cloud. In this blog we will go through the process of indexing data from S3 into Solr in DDE with the help of NiFi in Data Flow. The scenario is the same as it was in the previous blog but the ingest pipeline differs. Spark as the ingest pipeline tool for Search (i.e.
With the pandemic forcing businesses worldwide to reboot, many have no choice but to exact drastic cost-cutting measures to keep the lights on. Cloud computing is an expense incurred by every digital business that, unlike many other operating costs, is largely variable.
Software development has greatly evolved over the years. Serverless is an emerging software architecture that could resolve issues when it comes to developing software solutions. As software developers, you’re tasked with server setup, installing the software, operating systems requirements, server management and maintenance, designing an application with high fault tolerance and availability, as well as managing load balance and more.