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Migrating Big Data to the Cloud

Unravel Data helps a lot of customers move big data operations to the cloud. Chris Santiago is Global Director of Solution Engineering here at Unravel. So Unravel, and Chris, know a lot about what can make these migrations fail. Chris and intrepid Unravel Data marketer Quoc Dang recently delivered a webinar, Reasons why your Big Data Cloud Migration Fails and Ways to Overcome. You can view the webinar now, or read on to learn more about how to overcome these failures.

Reasons why your Big Data Cloud Migration Fails and Ways to Overcome

The Cloud brings many opportunities to help implement big data across your enterprise and organizations are taking advantage of migrating big data workloads to the cloud by utilizing best of breed technologies like Databricks, Cloudera, Amazon EMR and Azure HDI to name a few. However, as powerful as these technologies are, most organizations that attempt to use them fail. Join Chris Santiago, Director of Solution Engineering as he shares the top reasons why your big data cloud migration fails and ways to overcome it.

How-to: Index Data from S3 via NiFi Using CDP Data Hubs

Data Discovery and Exploration (DDE) was recently released in tech preview in Cloudera Data Platform in public cloud. In this blog we will go through the process of indexing data from S3 into Solr in DDE with the help of NiFi in Data Flow. The scenario is the same as it was in the previous blog but the ingest pipeline differs. Spark as the ingest pipeline tool for Search (i.e.

The Application of External Data in Everyday Life | Rise of the Data Cloud

In Part 2 of this episode, Jennifer Forrester deep dives into the value and application of external data. She talks about how data warehouses help real estate developers, telecom companies, and city planners look at traffic patterns to help determine public and product demands. Rise of the Data Cloud is brought to you by Snowflake.

5 Ways to Slash your Data Platform Costs

Make your data platform faster, better & cheaper with Unravel by joining Chris Santiago, Director of Solution Engineering to learn how to reduce the time troubleshooting and the costs involved in operating your data platform. Instantly understand why technologies such as Spark applications, Kafka jobs, and Impala underperform or even fail! Define and meet enterprise service levels through proactive reporting and alerting.

Migrating Big Data Workloads to the Cloud with Unravel

The movement to utilize data to drive more effective business outcomes continues to accelerate. But with this acceleration comes an explosion of complex platforms to collect, process, store, and analyze this data. Ensuring these platforms are utilized optimally is a tremendous challenge for businesses. Join Mick Nolen at Senior Solutions Engineer at Unravel Data, as he takes you through Unravel’s approach to migrating big data workloads to the Cloud. Whether you’re migrating from

How Serverless is an emerging Software Architecture?

Software development has greatly evolved over the years. Serverless is an emerging software architecture that could resolve issues when it comes to developing software solutions. As software developers, you’re tasked with server setup, installing the software, operating systems requirements, server management and maintenance, designing an application with high fault tolerance and availability, as well as managing load balance and more.