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Using Event Tags in Moesif

Sometimes you may have related events that you want to group together or want to give a friendly name to events. This could be especially true if you have a group of API calls you want to combine into a single API product. Fortunately with Moesif you can do exactly that, so that groups of events can be looked at as a single unit, like a SKU. In Moesif, this can be done by using the Event Tag feature.

What you Need to Know When Pricing APIs

Pricing APIs correctly is a key part of your API monetization strategy. That means understanding how you should charge for usage, whether it’s better to set your pricing by month or quarter, whether data tiers or a Pay As You Go API pricing model would work best and a whole host of other elements. In this post we’ll cover all you need to know when pricing APIs.

What is the Difference Between Data Compliance and Data Privacy?

When deploying any application that holds customer or user data, both data compliance and data privacy are important areas to consider. Yet these two areas of data management are sometimes misunderstood. This blog post will shed some light on the differences between data compliance and data privacy.

Is Deno better than Node.js?

The Deno runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript is created on Rust and the V8 JavaScript engine, equivalent to Node.js. Developed by Ryan Dahl, Node.js' original creator, it is designed to correct errors he made when he first envisioned and unleashed Node.js in 2009. To recapitulate, he was dissatisfied with the lack of security, the lack of module resolution through node_modules, and the differing behaviour of the browser, among other things, which provoked him to implement Deno.

Live Debugging vs. Remote Debugging: Key Differences and Limitations

As you could probably guess, we discuss debugging a lot at Rookout. We tackle many methods and strategies throughout all our blogs and resources. However, it only recently occurred to us that we don’t have a direct face-off of the two major methods of modern debugs: live debugging vs. remote debugging. At first glance, this might sound like semantics, but the two terms have come to embody specific methods and protocols. Both are powerful, but there is some fine print to look at also.