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10 Software Development Tools that Improve Productivity

It’s quite natural to become sidetracked when balancing the many activities involved in software development. You must keep track of deadlines, application goals and your piece of the project, while handling internal and external communications and producing good code. That’s where software development tools come into play. There are a variety of applications available that are designed to make tasks easier for a developer.

APIs in the Fintech Industry: What You Need To Know

Fintech is the perfect example of how emerging, disruptive technologies are rocking a traditional industry: the banking sector. Fintech, a portmanteau of financial technology, is its own industry, changing the banking world and forcing it to evolve. Most financial institutions are now using some kind of fintech, from simple banking apps to entire platforms aimed at promoting open banking.

Is Deno better than Node.js?

The Deno runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript is created on Rust and the V8 JavaScript engine, equivalent to Node.js. Developed by Ryan Dahl, Node.js' original creator, it is designed to correct errors he made when he first envisioned and unleashed Node.js in 2009. To recapitulate, he was dissatisfied with the lack of security, the lack of module resolution through node_modules, and the differing behaviour of the browser, among other things, which provoked him to implement Deno.

Live Debugging vs. Remote Debugging: Key Differences and Limitations

As you could probably guess, we discuss debugging a lot at Rookout. We tackle many methods and strategies throughout all our blogs and resources. However, it only recently occurred to us that we don’t have a direct face-off of the two major methods of modern debugs: live debugging vs. remote debugging. At first glance, this might sound like semantics, but the two terms have come to embody specific methods and protocols. Both are powerful, but there is some fine print to look at also.

JIT Compilers for Ruby and Rails: An Overview

A program is compiled at runtime using a different method from pre-execution compilation. This process is known as just-in-time compilation or dynamic translation. In this post, we'll look at why JIT compilation can be a good choice for your Ruby on Rails app, before looking at some of the options available (YJIT, MJIT, and TenderJIT) and how to install them. But first: how does JIT compilation work?

A Guide to APIs and Data Warehouses

Enterprise data is a valuable asset in today’s digital economy. As a result, companies are always looking to utilize data services to get more out of their valuable data. Two ways that companies can achieve this is through using APIs and data warehouses. Did you know that the global data warehousing market size is projected to reach over $51 billion by 2028 or that the worldwide API management market size is expected to reach over $13 billion by 2027?

What is an iFrame? How does it work and what is it used for

If you have been scolded for using iFrames to embed website elements by seniors, you aren’t alone! The HTML tag has been infamous in the industry for quite some time due to possible security breaches. It facilitates when the element goes unmonitored. However, its proper use and strategic implementation can quickly help web developers speed up the frontend creation process.

typeof in JavaScript: An introduction

Checking data types for variables is vital in any programming language to ensure a smooth and error-free development process. However, this becomes even more essential for accuracy when it comes to dynamically typed languages such as Javascript. In Javascript, one variable can hold multiple value types within the same file as shown below: To achieve this, one of the most commonly used operators is typeof.

5 Best CSS Frameworks for Front-end Developers

In the best CSS framework, you can think of it as a design or cover that is supported by HTML, the default structure of your website. CSS has the advantage of being quick and simple to use, which is one of the reasons most web designers and developers use it. The foundation of your website is HTML, but CSS adds elegance, design, and functionality to its front end. There is probably not a single website in the world that does not use some kind of framework.