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Securing CI/CD with 1Password

Secret management in shared environments like Continuous Integration and Delivery services is challenging. It’s essential to keep secrets secure and ensure they don’t end up in the wrong place, like logs or code repositories. Integrating solutions like 1Password into CI/CD workflows offer the advantage of centralising secret management, and it also allows you to encrypt every secret, providing controlled programmatic access to applications.

Implementing Instant Object Detection in Live Image Streams using TFLite in Flutter

In Flutter’s early days in 2019, I developed a live object detection system for a major German company, despite the platform’s constraints. With release of Flutter 3.7 and advancements of TensorFlow have catalyzed the need to refine or overhaul this approach. This article discusses the newest techniques in live-stream object detection as showcased in the flutter-tflite GitHub repository.

eCommerce Load Testing (Step 3): Build the Environment

In this webinar clip from "Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes", Speedscale Co-founder, Nate Lee, explains what to consider when building the environment, including backend dependencies and data. He covers how service mocking can help companies test at a higher velocity in today's complex development environments.

Replicating Traffic: Use Cases & Benefits

In this webinar clip from "Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes", Speedscale Co-founder, Nate Lee, talks about why traffic-based testing (unlike manually writing script tests) can help companies move faster and test at the speed of development. He covers the top use cases and benefits of leveraging traffic as the new way to test.

Ensuring performance: How major retailers leverage user traffic to validate code changes

As featured on Software development and testing is ultimately all in preparation for go-live. But what if you could predict how your go-live could go wrong? In this webinar, learn how traffic-based tests and mocks can accurately simulate peak load conditions, ensure performance, and increase your top line revenue.