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Leading Kubernetes Management Tools For 2022

Kubernetes is the leading container-orchestration tool that was open-sourced in 2014 by Google and has helped engineers across the globe to significantly lower their cost of cloud computing ever since. Kubernetes also provides a resilient framework for deploying applications. Kubernetes management tools are quickly becoming essential to those that wish to monitor their containers on an ongoing basis, test, export and create intuitive dashboards.

Cloud-Ready Infrastructure for Finance's Changing Landscape

Shifting customer behavior in the wake of the pandemic has forced many financial organizations to accelerate their digital transformation plans. According to a recent survey of financial C-suite executives, these organizations are increasing their technological investments to address the changing landscape. The cloud — a necessary component of any digital transformation — is a focal point of these investments.

The Modernized Developer Workflow Webinar

JFrog ChartCenter, a central Helm charts repository, and Rookout, a live debugging tool for developers, team up to discuss how developers can optimize their time, allowing them to focus more on value-creating tasks. They take a deeper look into the two products, how they can be used together, and demonstrate how the proper tools can help your developers succeed. In this webinar you will learn.

How to Deploy an API Gateway Within a CI/CD Pipeline

Continuous integration and continuous deployment—known colloquially as CI/CD—are essential strategies for building modern software applications. The goal of these processes is to foster a culture of continuous updates. CI is the process by which an external machine (not your local development environment) fetches your app and dependencies and then runs a test suite to ensure everything in your application builds and runs correctly.

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Application Logging in 2021

Have you ever written a Hello, World! application? In most of these tutorials the first step is to log words to the console. It's an easy way to understand what is going on with your application and readily available in every programming language. The console output is incredibly powerful, and it has become easier than ever to capture that output as logs. As your application grows and evolves you need to implement a structured application log approach.

Looking forward to KubeCon

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America is just around the corner. I’ve been looking forward to this event for a long time, especially since 2020 was virtual and it looks like there will be an in person option this year. This should be a great event and there are going to be a ton of awesome sessions. Last year was simply enormous with over 15K attendees who joined virtually.

Keep all your team secrets in one place with global variables

This video will teach you how to store sensitive values. Codemagic has added a Global variables and secrets section to the team settings page so you can manage all your secrets in one place for your codemagic.yaml files. This means you will only have to update that expired certificate in one place, instead of all your apps.

Codezero proud to be reviewed by Kubernetes guru Viktor Farcic

Despite tremendous benefits, 47% of the Kubernetes community reports a steep learning curve as a barrier to adoption according to a recent survey of 1000 Developers by So when our team started out on Kubernetes, we went out looking for online resources to learn from and we have been following Viktor Farcic for well over a year now. Viktor is the author of the DevOps Paradox podcast and has a weekly video series called the DevOps Toolkit by Viktor Farcic on YouTube.