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Automation: How to Thrive Amid Remote Work Stress, Part 2

The remote work revolution is here to stay. But making the emotional pivot to make remote work pay off won’t be easy. So says Joe Kennedy, a Partner and Technology Consulting Leader with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC). In the last episode of this two-part post, Kennedy reminded us that we’ve always had the capability to do remote work. He says that the challenge now is to find and fix the rough patches in our business processes to make work more efficient.

Straight Talk, No Chaser: How to Jumpstart Your Hyperautomation Journey, Part 1

There’s no science to getting a good idea to spread, but it helps if you can get your idea across without the hype. Which is why automation expert Arjun Devadas talks about hyperautomation in terms a non-tech exec in any organization can understand. For example, Devadas talks about how insurance companies are using hyperautomation to process truckloads of documents to settle numerous claims.

USMC Streamlines Provisioning and Cataloging with Appian

On March 5, 2021, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) launched the CATALYST application. The CATALYST application integrates the people, processes, and data involved in the USMC weapon systems repair, part provisioning, and cataloging. Provisioning and cataloging are critical logistics support processes. They help connect the iterative acquisition and logistics sustainment life cycle management processes for weapon systems and equipment.

Low-code vs. No-code: The Differences, Similarities, & How to Choose

The demand for new software has exploded. According to IDC, over 500 million digital applications and services will be developed and deployed by 2023—the same number of apps that have been developed over the last 40 years. Unfortunately, the number of new developers who can help build those applications has not exploded.

R.I.P Custom and Legacy Apps - Modernize with velocity

The new normal in the next decade will be very different than the bygone era. COVID has impacted the world in a way seen only as recently as a century ago. It was different then and it is different now. Businesses are finding new ways to reach customers, supply chains are inventing new ways to operate, industries are innovating all-around to remain relevant in the new normal. Customer behavior is also changing and digital has found a new acceptance with evolving technology.

Automation: How to Thrive Amid Remote Work Stress

In grade school, Joe Kennedy taught himself how to code video games on his home computer. Today, Kennedy is a Partner and Technology Consulting Leader with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC). In the video call leading up to this week’s Digital Masters interview, Kennedy looked remarkably dapper in a navy blue blazer, dress shirt and slacks and a handlebar mustache curled to perfection.

Between KYC and Stimulus Lending, Banks Are Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place

But low-code automation can help. Amid the pandemic, banks are under enormous pressure to comply with stricter regulations and keep up with growing demand for new lines of credit. Here’s Appian Financial Services Industry Lead in Europe, Herbert Schild, on how low-code automation can help at a critical time. What are the challenges with issuing rapid stimulus loans?

Developing Workforce Safety: A Rapid Response to Covid-19

This is the story of how Appian helped organizations worldwide get thousands of people back to work during the worst global pandemic in over a century, safely and legally. The Appian Workforce Safety Solution COVID-19 threw people worldwide into what seemed like a black hole of chaos. As infection rates rapidly grew, and related concerns grew even faster, communities struggled to respond.

Rob Galbraith: The 7 Fatal Flaws of Insurance, Part 2

Last week, insurance industry expert Rob Galbraith introduced us to “The 7 Fatal Flaws of Insurance." This week, Galbraith weighs in on low-code automation as a competitive advantage in the $5 trillion insurance industry. “For a $5 trillion industry as mature as insurance," says Galbraith, “technology that can help solve any one of the seven fatal flaws would make a pretty good business. There's a lot of room for improvement.”

Empowering Business Users to Shape the Future of Client Onboarding

Onboarding institutional clients is one of a financial services institution’s most critical functions, with direct implications for client experience, servicing, and relationships, that all significantly impact profits. What’s at stake during the onboarding process? Client loyalty, experience, referrals, and profitability. How many touch points across departments—front office, operations, risk, legal, credit, compliance, tax—can potentially elongate the onboarding process?