In this article, you will learn how to release better and more secure finance apps rapidly, by applying security measures and moving to shift-left testing in the DevOps cycles.
Bringing you closer to DevSecOps, the brand new 'Scan with AppSweep' Step on Bitrise makes your apps more secure with continuous security assurance.
A guide to understanding the concept behind DevSecOps and how you can inject security into your mobile CI/CD pipeline to deliver more secure mobile applications.
DevSecOps combines the responsibilities of development, security and operations in order to make everyone accountable for security in line with the ongoing activities conducted by development and operations teams. DevSecOps tools serve to assist the user in minimising risk as part of the development process and also support security teams by allowing them to observe the security implications of code in production.
We talked to cybersecurity expert Anastasiia Voitova about all things related to mobile app security: from the first and most important steps teams should take to prevent potential attacks to reaching a high level of DevSecOps maturity.
For the last several years, GitLab has run a major survey about the trends facing the DevSecOps community. This year over 4,000 people responded to the survey, 40% who identified as a Software Developer / Software Engineer. Also about half the survey participants are based in Asia, a major region for Software Developers. One of the biggest trends you will find throughout the survey is how much developers value speed and efficiency.
The purpose of a DevSecOps checklist is not to list every single action and practice you should take to ensure that DevSecOps pipeline is effective. Rather, the purpose is to help you establish the right sort of DevSecOps mindset. DevSecOps is more than a collection of best practices, it’s a shared mindset that security is the responsibility of everyone on your team.