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5 Reasons Your App Crashes and How to Fix Them

In 2016, on the eve of the Black Friday sales frenzy in the US, a research firm called Apteligent released a report estimating how much money firms could lose if their apps crashed on the big day. The report tallied up the amount of money spent by retail app customers on Black Friday the previous year and worked out what would happen if every customer experienced at least one crash during peak hours.

Adopting a Multi-Cloud Strategy: Challenges vs. Benefits

Cloud-based platforms have become a standard component within most enterprise IT infrastructures, however, many organizations find they cannot source everything they need from a single provider. As a result, increasing numbers are adopting a multi-cloud strategy in an effort to better meet their business requirements.

Bugfender Outage - What Happened and What We've Done

I’d like to offer a heartfelt apology to all of our users who have experienced any downtime and issues with Bugfender recently. We’re really sorry these have occured and for all of the inconveniences they may have caused you. We understand that many people rely on Bugfender to help them in their daily duties and that our service has let you down.

5 Strategies CIOs Should Consider for a Successful Cloud Migration

With the growing adoption of cloud-based IT infrastructures, the proliferation of mobile and IoT devices, and the rise of social media, companies of all sizes, across all industries are amassing huge quantities of data in differing variety, velocity, veracity and validity.