Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2022

Performance Response Times

When performance testing you need a set of requirements to measure your response times against. When defining these you should do so with your end users or business teams. It is relatively easy to predict volumes, load and users that will use your application as you will no doubt have some data based on your current systems. It is a lot harder to agree on what the response times of your application should be.

All about load testing metrics (k6 Office Hours #69)

Leandro Melendez and Nicole van der Hoeven discuss all about load testing metrics. What do they all mean? Which ones do you REALLY need? Understanding metrics and analysing test results is arguably the most important part of a load test-- and also the most difficult! We're answering all the questions you ever had about the many metrics that come with load and performance testing.

How To Choose The Appropriate Mode For Your Test

Loadero is a versatile tool that can be used for different types of web application tests. In order to provide a comfortable way of running the tests that you need, we have different test modes. In this blog post, we describe each of those in detail so you can pick the appropriate one every time you are launching a test run. There are currently 3 available test modes to choose from when creating your own Loadero test.

Performance Testing in Production

In this Blog Post we are going to discuss performance testing in production. Now before you think we have gone mad and lost our minds completely this is not as crazy as it sounds. Production is an environment that: All the things you spend a significant amount of time getting right in your performance testing environment and that can be difficult to achieve. Therefore, it seems like the perfect environment to performance test in.

Using chai with k6

The growth of a code base is unpredictable. To account for this uncertainty, we call on everything we've learnt in the last x years about how to scale an application effectively: adopting naming conventions, creating file and folder structures, using the latest patterns, and producing sensible abstractions. These actions add up over time. Eventually, you'll mentally high-five your past self for having taken the time to do them ✋.

Load testing types and k6 executors (k6 Office Hours #67)

What are the different load testing types, and how do they relate to the k6 executors? We go through every single k6 executor and how, when, and why you should use each one in this week's episode of k6 Office Hours. We are Marie Cruz, Paul Balogh, and Nicole van der Hoeven. We're all Developer Advocates at k6 (Grafana Labs), but we have backgrounds in automation testing, site reliability engineering, and performance testing.

Introducing NeoLoad 9.0

Modern applications are constantly evolving, and with the advent of integrated DevOps toolchains applications can be built and deployed at ever-increasing velocities. This puts pressure on quality assurance teams to increase their velocity as well. With NeoLoad RealBrowser technology, we now offer a rapid way to record and immediately execute user paths to validate the performance of application builds as they move through their pipeline.

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Load Testing: How Fast Can We Go?

Speedscale creates load tests from recorded traffic so generating load is pretty core to what we do. As a brief overview, we record traffic from your service in one environment and replay it in another, optionally increasing load several fold. During a replay the Speedscale load generator makes requests against the system under test (SUT), with the responses from external dependencies like APIs or a payment processor optionally mocked out for consistency. Your service is the SUT here. Currently the load generator runs as a single process, usually inside a pod in Kubernetes. So how fast is this thing, and how did we get to where we are today?

API Performance Testing for Success

As the rate of delivery for applications and services continues to rise, performance testing often takes a backseat in the race to delivering apps on-time. This 2022 holiday season is expected to be bigger than ever, with holiday shopping growing 15.5% to $236 billion. During this make-or-break time of year, companies can’t afford for their apps to become unreliable under heavy load.

API Load Testing Tutorial

API load testing, which identifies how stable your APIs are under different workloads, is a crucial part of performance testing. In this guide you will learn what is API load testing, when to perform load testing, and more. One growing pain of increasing iterative development and shortening release cycles is a growing inability to detect and fix inefficient code – whether in the CI/CD pipeline or in production.

Performance testing for beginners, with Matt Dodson (k6 Office Hours #65)

This week's show is about performance testing for beginners, where our technical writer, Matt Dodson, asks all the questions about load and performance testing that you were always afraid to ask. :) Matt joins Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh in discussing core principles of performance testing.

Reliably Reliable

I Google’d the word “reliable” the other day. At the top of the results page was a definition from the Oxford Languages dictionary. I started thinking, what’s “reliable”? I glanced at my mobile phone. I felt it was pretty reliable. I can make and receive calls, I play games, battery life is pretty decent, photos are amazing… But it’s kind of new, so maybe that doesn’t count. It’s not really reliable, the jury’s still out.

5 reasons changing performance platforms shouldn't be scary

Maybe you've thought about changing your performance testing platform, but have a lot of fears: Will you waste money? Lose valuable time? Open your company up to risk? Change doesn't have to be scary. Read this eBook to learn five reasons why changing performance testing platforms shouldn't be frightening, and a few strategies to ensuring your migration is a success.