The world is awash with data, no more so than in the telecommunications (telco) industry. With some Cloudera customers ingesting multiple petabytes of data every single day— that’s multiple thousands of terabytes!—there is the potential to understand, in great detail, how people, businesses, cities and ecosystems function.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at an unprecedented pace. As IoT solutions become more complex, the need for comprehensive and efficient IoT testing increases.
Leverege uses BigQuery as a key component of its data and analytics pipeline to deliver innovative IoT solutions at scale.
Data quality is fairly simple nomenclature to describe the state of the data being processed, analyzed, fed into AI, and more. But this modest little term belies an incredibly critical and complicated reality: that enterprises require the highest level of data quality possible in order to do everything from developing product and business strategies, and engaging with customers, to predicting the weather and finding the fastest delivery routes.