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Future of Testing IoT & AI Systems | Security Testing Skills | Jon Hagar #securitytesting #ai #iot

Embark on a thrilling exploration of the future with Jon Duncan Hagar in his talk, "The Exciting Future of Testing IoT & AI Systems Using V&V, Security Hacks, & Data Analytics." As the realms of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) continue to captivate the world, Jon delves into the crucial intersection of these cutting-edge technologies and the world of testing.

The Industrial Metaverse: What Is It and How Will it Shape the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

The industrial metaverse might seem like something from an advanced, sci-fi universe far in the future, but the building blocks of this concept are already present and functioning today. The early stages of a digital ecosystem, which will blend the real and virtual worlds, can already been seen across industries like architecture, transportation, and manufacturing.

Telecommunications Data Monetization Strategies in 5G and beyond with Cloudera and AWS

The world is awash with data, no more so than in the telecommunications (telco) industry. With some Cloudera customers ingesting multiple petabytes of data every single day— that’s multiple thousands of terabytes!—there is the potential to understand, in great detail, how people, businesses, cities and ecosystems function.

IoT Data Integration: Challenges and Solutions

The adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues rapidly. When you look at what businesses gain from their IoT implementations, it's easy to see why. IoT enhances an organization's operational efficiency by monitoring or automating key business processes. Maintenance, manufacturing, and supply chain have all been revolutionized by IoT. The wealth of data generated by IoT devices bolster business intelligence and data analytics. And that leads to a better understanding of the customer experience.

Testing for an Internet of Things (k6 Office Hours #97)

What do you do when you operate a platform needing to accommodate millions of IoT devices? This is precisely the scenario encountered by Daniel Mangum, Lead Cloud Engineer for IoT platform provider Golioth, when he created the newly open-sourced xk6-coap extension. In this k6 Office Hours, Developer Advocates Nicole van der Hoeven and Paul Balogh are joined by Daniel to discuss the nuances of working with varied sensors and devices using the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP).

The next generation IoT platform - Ericsson Innovation Cloud, WSO2 Webinar

Creating a trusted digital layer in the mobility industry is quite challenging. It requires proper security mechanisms, easy integrations, sharing data securely with users and analyzing the data to make impactful decisions. Watch this webinar to discover the various technical challenges that Ericsson encountered while going through the evaluation process. You will also gain insights into how WSO2 API Manager and Identity Server has been used in the EIC Platform.

How New Lumada Industrial DataOps 5.1 Scales Industrial IoT Solutions

Data quality is fairly simple nomenclature to describe the state of the data being processed, analyzed, fed into AI, and more. But this modest little term belies an incredibly critical and complicated reality: that enterprises require the highest level of data quality possible in order to do everything from developing product and business strategies, and engaging with customers, to predicting the weather and finding the fastest delivery routes.