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Testing your responsive design using viewports

It's 2017 and "mobile first" isn't just that thing that's "nice to have" any more. It's become expected that you're going to provide a consistent experience to your end users whether they're hitting your site on their desktop, phone, heck even their watch! It's pretty clear by now that this "mobile trend" isn't going away any time soon, in fact the numbers show that the vast majority of users are reaching to multiple devices (phone, tablet, and desktop) to interact with your site.

How to Release Apps

A tough piece of pulled pork. A weak cup of tea. A partially-healed hamstring sent back onto the field of play. E.T., the video game. Some things need more time to reach their peak. Desires that drive us—hunger, thirst, victory, financial success—can override the need to just be patient. If you rush thingith an unsatisfying pulled pork sandwich—or a bunch of game cartridges buried in a Mexican landfill.

How does the PHP Realpath Cache work and how to configure it?

The realpath cache in PHP is often overlooked and its exact workings are a bit of a mystery to many developers, fueled by a lot of explanations on the web that are just plain wrong. How exactly is the realpath cache working and at which level of PHP? There has been some buzz around realpath cache in the last weeks, so it is a hot topic to look into.

What is data health and why it is critical for your business

heck your data health. Why it is essential for great reports and better predictions? Clean data is particularly crucial for CRM, ERP, sales and IT systems with customer data. The basics of a great data insight or data visualization is a combination of good, clean data into a single solution architecture.

Environments are back: Monitor and Trace Staging, QA and Dev Servers

We think monitoring and tracing should be performed across the whole application lifecycle and that it should be easy to compare changes between production, staging/QA and production environments. But for technical reasons we had to remove explicit support for multi-environment monitoring and tracing almost 2 years ago, when our backend and worker jobs couldn't handle the data from our original prototype data model.

Improved Dashboard with Preview Chart and Recent Performance Metrics

We have improved the dashboard in Tideways to include preview charts with the last 24 hours of performance data and the performance of the most recent 15 minute interval. This provides you with a much better overview of all your applications and by selecting any time range in the preview chart you can directly jump to a time-range that interests you.