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Best Practices and Benefits of Data Migration in Oracle Cloud

Data migration refers to the process of moving data from one location to another. In the context of Oracle Cloud, data is transferred from on-premises systems or other cloud platforms to Oracle’s cloud infrastructure. Whether you’re migrating databases, applications, or entire systems, a complete approach is critical to a successful migration.

Introducing Cloudera's AI Assistants

In the last couple of years, AI has launched itself to the forefront of technology initiatives across industries. In fact, Gartner predicts the AI software market will grow from $124 billion in 2022 to $297 billion in 2027. As a data platform company, Cloudera has two very clear priorities. First, we need to help customers get AI models based on trusted data into production faster than ever.

ClearML Supports Seamless Orchestration and Infrastructure Management for Kubernetes, Slurm, PBS, and Bare Metal

Our early roadmap in 2024 has been largely focused on improving orchestration and compute infrastructure management capabilities. Last month we released a Resource Allocation Policy Management Control Center with a new, streamlined UI to help teams visualize their compute infrastructure and understand which users have access to what resources.

How ClearML Helps Teams Get More out of Slurm

It is a fairly recent trend for companies to amass GPU firepower to build their own AI computing infrastructure and support the growing number of compute requests. Many recent AI tools now enable data scientists to work on data, run experiments, and train models seamlessly with the ability to submit their jobs and monitor their progress. However, for many organizations with mature supercomputing capabilities, Slurm has been the scheduling tool of choice for managing computing clusters.

Direct API-Database Coupling vs. Multi-Layered Architectures

API-database coupling vs. traditional multi-layered architectures: what’s the difference and why does it matter? The main difference between direct API-database coupling and multi-layered architectures is that the former allows the API to interact directly with the database, minimizing latency and complexity, while the latter uses multiple layers to separate concerns.

Logi Symphony Soars in Latest Dresner Business Intelligence Report

insightsoftware’s Logi Symphony, a leading embedded analytics solution, continues to impress. According to a recent Dresner Advisory Services’ Wisdom of Crowds® Business Intelligence Market Study, Logi Symphony has been recognized as a leader in the field. This recognition highlights Logi Symphony’s commitment to exceptional customer experience and its strong reputation within the BI and analytics industry.

QonfX 2024 Rewind: Testing, AI, and the Future

We did a sort of time travel on 20th April at QonfX. If you are not one of the 3000+ people who registered for this event, it is a unique software testing conference that keeps its focus on the Future of Testing. This year was the second edition of QonfX and received even more love than the last time. Feedback like the above filled our social feeds during and post QonfX. We cannot keep a count of the number of times attendees used the words ‘eye-opening’ for the talks given by the speakers.