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Best Practices for Enterprise Data Migration: A Comprehensive Guide

Enterprise data migration is a complex and critical process that involves moving large amounts of data from one system or platform to another. Whether it is due to a system upgrade, consolidation, or merger, enterprises must carefully plan and execute data migrations to ensure a seamless transition without any data loss or disruption to business operations.

The 10 Best APIs for Start-ups in 2024

If your startup is planning to build an app, you’re going to need an Application Programming Interface, better known as an “API.” The role of an API is to give your app a set of directions so it can get all the information it needs to interact with your business. APIs are extremely valuable, but they can also be difficult to navigate. Here’s a look at the 10 best APIs for start-ups that will ensure your business has the fundamental technology needed to be successful in 2023.

Introducing the Choreo CLI

We're happy to announce the release of a new command-line interface (CLI) tool for our development platform! With this, we aim to bring Choreo to your terminal. This reduces context switching, helps you focus, and enables you to script and create your workflows more easily. You can install Choreo CLI today on Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Simply run our installation script for your particular OS.

Secure Internal Microservice Authentication: A Comprehensive Guide

Internal microservice authentication is a critical component of software development. It ensures that only authorized users and services can access sensitive information and perform actions within a system. With the rise of microservices architecture and the increasing complexity of modern software ecosystems, implementing effective authentication mechanisms for internal microservices has become more important than ever.

Securing Access: A Guide to Implementing API Keys in AWS API Gateway

Implementing an API gateway API key is key to securing your APIs. In this guide, you’ll learn to generate and apply these keys, ensuring your AWS API gateway effectively authenticates and processes authorized client requests. We’ll dive into setup procedures, management tips, and security best practices to help you maintain robust access control. Get ready to fortify your services’ entry points.

How to Secure REST APIs: API Keys Vs OAuth

REST, a.k.a. Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style commonly used in software development. Applications built via REST-style development tend to be excellent examples of distributed hypermedia applications. However, they don’t often have excellent innate security options. That’s where API keys and OAuth tokens come in. In this article, we’ll cover how to secure REST APIs with either API keys or OAuth.

Introducing the World's First OSS Production-Grade Gateway API Operator

Today’s the day you’ve all been waiting for: Kong Gateway Operator OSS is here. You can read the code and see what a production-grade Kubernetes operator looks like. Authored by multiple Gateway API contributors, Kong Gateway Operator is the de-facto reference for Gateway API implementers on Kubernetes. Kong Gateway Operator (KGO) 1.2 brings six new features plus a brand new Helm chart that allows you to deploy KGO using tools that you already know and love.

Enhancing APIOps with decK for Kong Ingress Controller Users

The latest release of decK's APIOps features with the Kong Ingress Controller advances API management and automation in Kubernetes environments. This blog post delves into how this integration streamlines operations, ensuring a more feature-rich API lifecycle management.

Mastering API Gateway Auth: Proven Methods for Secure Connectivity

Securing your API gateway is critical to protect your services from unauthorized access and ensure safe data transmission. In this article, we’ll explore the essentials of API gateway auth, discuss the major authentication methods, and offer guidance for implementing and overcoming challenges in API gateway authentication—providing you with the knowledge to keep your digital assets secure.

How to Create an Application Migration Strategy

Creating an effective application migration strategy is crucial for organizations seeking to migrate their applications to a new environment, such as a cloud platform or a different on-premises infrastructure. A well-planned migration strategy ensures a smooth transition, minimizes downtime, and mitigates potential risks and challenges. Here’s what you need to do in order to create an application migration strategy.