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Performance testing tool feature requests (k6 Office Hours)

What features do testers and users REALLY want from a performance testing tool like k6? Our head of customer success, Mark Meier, discusses the most requested features from customers, and we see what CEO Robin Gustafsson has to say about them. k6 Office Hours is a weekly livestream hosted by Nicole van der Hoeven and Simon Aronsson to talk about performance and reliability testing, best practices, and all things k6.

Future of Data Meetup: Continuous SQL With SQL Stream Builder

Continuous SQL is using Structured Query Language (SQL) to create computations against unbounded streams of data, and show the results in a persistent storage. The result stored in a persistent storage can be connected to other applications to have an analytical visualization of your data. Compared to traditional SQL, in Continuous SQL the data has a start, but no end. This means that queries continuously process results to a sink or other target types. When you define your job in SQL, the SQL statement is interpreted and validated against a schema. After the statement is executed, the results that match the criteria are continuously returned.

The Data Chief Live - People Change Management in Driving Self-Service Analytics

Join the Data Chief Live, May 6, for best practices for data and analytics leaders to execute on your vision to create a data-driven organization. This is YOUR one-to-many coaching & advisory session for CDOs, CAOs, and analytics champions. This month, we talk people change management in driving self-service analytics & I am thrilled to be joined by Milad Toliyati, Director of Innovation at The Axis Group, and ThoughtSpot Customer Success Manager Ovi Bodnar, adviser to flagship customers such as Nationwide Building, CWT, and Just Eat.

The Data Chief Live - People Change Management for Driving Self-Service Analytics

Join the Data Chief Live, May 6, for best practices for data and analytics leaders to execute on your vision to create a data-driven organization. This is your one-to-many coaching & advisory session for CDOs, CAOs, and analytics champions. This month, we talk people change management in driving self-service analytics & I am thrilled to be joined by Milad Toliyati, Director of Innovation at Axis Group, and ThoughtSpot Customer Success Manager Josh Royse.

ThoughtSpot Success Series #3 - Use Case Prioritization

Introducing the ThoughtSpot Success Series! Want to expand your knowledge of ThoughtSpot? Want to learn some great tips and tricks? Join ThoughtSpot's Customer Success team and other users like yourself as we discuss various topics in our new Success Series. During this event, we'll share how to build a ThoughtSpot use case pipeline that allows you to maximize the value return on investment & maintain momentum.

Loadero quickstart tutorial. Part 1. Creating an account and a first project.

Are you ready to start creating cloud-hosted tests for your web application? This video shows how to set up a new account and a project to handle your performance and load tests. Follow the steps described and you will be ready to start working on your first test in a matter of minutes.