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How Geckoboard Uses Ghost Inspector to Keep Thousands of Real-Time Data Dashboards Running Smoothly [Case Study]

Numbers don’t lie, and it’s Geckoboard’s mission to equip data-driven companies with high-quality, real-time KPIs that help motivate teams, gauge performance, and assist in important decision-making. Because of its user-friendly interface and far-reaching data accessibility, Geckoboard boasts a client list in the thousands, including Ticketmaster, Airtable, Loom, and StanleyBlack&Decker.

How to use Next.js and Recharts to build an information dashboard

One of the common methods that businesses and organizations use to make sense of their complex and scattered data is data visualization. Data visualizations provide a quick way to understand the masses of data collected - - providing easy access to insights needed to drive growth. A dashboard is a data visualization tool that is commonly found in enterprise web applications.

Let Real-Time Data Visualization Drive Your Storytelling

Stories are the crux of effective communication. According to a Stanford University study, nearly two-thirds of people remember a story that’s part of a presentation. The study also found that speakers who merely present facts and figures only achieve a 5% recall rate among their audience. When your customers deliver analytics and reporting, the data visualization experience should be a memorable one.

4 Financial Dashboard Examples for 2023

Financial dashboards bring performance into focus by collecting the most important metrics and indicators in one location. But when organizations build their financial dashboards from the ground up, challenges often arise. A primary hurdle is making the right design choices to create dashboards that drive successful business decisions. To overcome this hurdle, it helps to incorporate ideas that have already been implemented, evaluated, and improved on by others.