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Operational, Strategic or Analytical Dashboard: Which Type Is Best for BI?

In this modern era of digital transformation and big data, business intelligence (BI) dashboards have grown increasingly important in the improvement of business performance and growth of organizations. Dashboards enable you to easily identify and analyze key insights at a glance, and more accurately make important decisions. There are different types of dashboards to fit particular use cases and audiences, including the operational dashboard, strategic dashboard, and analytical dashboard.

8 Business Benefits of BI Dashboards

Business intelligence (BI) dashboards, also known as BI dashboards, are a powerful way to help people collect, share and analyze their business data to make informed decisions. Dashboards can help users monitor operations, optimize processes, and improve overall business performance by having data readily available, and can also help detect and prevent potential problems before they become issues with its use of real time data.

Dashboard vs Report: Which is better for BI?

Dashboards and reports are two common terms used interchangeably in discussion around business intelligence (BI) and data analytics platforms. Both are analysis tools used to present operational information graphically, provide visibility into organizational performance, and enable informed decision-making based on hard tracked metrics. But what is the actual difference between BI dashboards vs a report?