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Kubernetes Sidecar Container - Best Practices and Examples

An open-source container management engine called Kubernetes is used to automatically launch, scale, and handle containerized apps. The fundamental unit of a Kubernetes program is a pod. Instead of managing containers, Kubernetes controls pods, and pods enclose containers. A number of containers, storage, IP addresses, and settings that control how containers should operate inside the pod can all be found in a pod. You can operate two closely linked containers together with sidecar containers.

Introducing WSO2 API Platform for Kubernetes (WSO2 APK)

WSO2 APK (API Platform for Kubernetes) is an advanced API management solution designed specifically for Kubernetes environments. Its seamless integration with Kubernetes adheres to Kubernetes Gateway standards and aligns with Kubernetes workflows to empower organizations to efficiently manage APIs in a native Kubernetes manner.

What is WSO2 APK (API Platform for Kubernetes) ?

WSO2 APK (API Platform for Kubernetes) is an advanced API management solution designed specifically for Kubernetes environments. Its seamless integration with Kubernetes adheres to Kubernetes Gateway standards and aligns with Kubernetes workflows to empower organizations to efficiently manage APIs in a native Kubernetes manner.

Accelerate Docker builds with cache

Speed and efficiency are paramount during the build process. If you use a Dockerfile to build your container images from source code, you want to know about build cache. In this blog post, we’ll talk about what happens when you create a Docker image using a Dockerfile, how caching works with Docker, and how to optimize your Dockerfiles to maximize the benefits of build cache with Docker and on Koyeb.