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The Importance of Compliance Risk Assessments

In a world that’s literally had to define a new normal, standards and rules around safety and quality have been scrutinized more than ever before. And that new reality is affecting standard operations for some industries. While the importance of compliance has not changed, the complexity of it may have. Considering how quickly we continue advancing, this increasing complexity may also be part of our new normal. If you’ve not updated your compliance management lately, now may be a good time.

Does mobile need its own DevOps? with Vladimir Ivanov | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

Our very first guest is Vladimir Ivanov, Solutions Architect from Saint Petersburg, Russia. In this episode, we discuss some of the unique challenges in mobile development that Vladimir has experienced, specifically when compared to developing for the web, as well as the main ideas behind DevOps, and the tools, processes, and technologies that can help teams adopt this new culture. Thank you for watching! Please feel free to comment your thoughts below.

How to level up your team's skillset with John Sundell | Mobile DevOps is a Thing! Podcast

John Sundell is a well-known authority on Swift development. He's the author of the popular website, hosts his own podcast, produces video, and is a regular speaker at conferences around the world. All with the aim of supporting and contributing to the iOS developer community.

How to Migrate from the Open Source WSO2 Identity Server to the Subscription Version?

WSO2 Identity Server is the most popular open-source CIAM system on the market, and it is widely used by educational institutions and government agencies as an on-premise CIAM solution. Single sign-on/sign-out (SSO), identity federation, strong authentication, identity administration, account management, identity provisioning, fine-grained access control, API security, monitoring, reporting, and auditing are all possible with WSO2 Identity Server's seamless integration capabilities.

Google Chrome Developer Tools - Part 2

This is the second part of the Google Chrome Developer tools article. In this post we will share show you more of the new Developers Tools that Google has added to Chrome. Remember that Google Chrome Dev Tools is a set of powerful tools that help developers to build better webs. If you haven’t done it yet, you can read the first article of the series.

Best Big Data API Management Platforms

Every time someone uses an app, information travels from a database to the user via an API. Single instances may not seem very important. As long as they perform the required task, people don’t think too much about how applications work. From a business perspective, the big data flowing through APIs could unlock important knowledge that helps tap into emerging trends and target customers better. To get the best results, companies need the best big data API management.

Hybrid API Management: Run Your API Gateways Anywhere

With the fast-growing popularity of cloud computing, an increasing number of organizations are now moving towards cloud-based solutions. Gartner predicts that1, "by 2020, 90 percent of organizations will adopt hybrid infrastructure management" where some parts of a solution would be in the cloud while other parts would be in traditional on-premises data centers.

Top 9 Landing Page Optimization Best Practices

You might think that each marketer uniquely implements their landing page. However, there is a formula for landing page optimization, and following best practices will get you a healthy conversion rate. Even if you want a one-of-a-kind landing page, using tried-and-true principles will improve your results.