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How To Transfer Flat Files Using SFTP With Xplenty

What is SFTP and What Does It Stand For? SFTP is a network protocol for securely transferring, accessing, and managing files on a remote computer. The SFTP protocol is intended as a more secure alternative to the traditional FTP protocol. The term SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol, where SSH is a cryptographic protocol that allows clients and servers to connect remotely. The files that you send or receive using SFTP are protected by SSH encryption in transit. This added layer of security means that SFTP is preferable to FTP in the vast majority of cases.

APIs and Low-code: Demonstrating a microservice use case

See Linx as we discuss low-code and APIs with Bill Doerfeild from Nordic APIs. What is low-code development? What is its relationship with APIs? How do we bridge the low-code and pro-code divide? At this LiveCast, we’ll be investigating the intersection between APIs and low-code. In this event, Dawie Botes, Head of Customer Success at Linx, demonstrates how developer-focused low-code tools can help to rapidly construct microservices.

Genymotion | Verified Steps on Bitrise

With Genymotion Cloud SaaS, QA engineers can spawn many Android virtual devices in the Cloud in parallel and test at scale. With Bitrise, a Continuous Integration & Delivery platform dedicated to mobile apps, users can use a powerful UI to create workflows easily, which then can build, test and deploy an app and improve efficiency by setting up the whole mobile application dev lifecycle environment.