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Apple is deprecating Xcode 12. What does this mean for you and your Codemagic projects?

Apple recently announced that starting from April 25, 2022, all iOS or iPadOS apps you submit to the App Store need to be built with Xcode 13 (or later). This means that Xcode 12 is now deprecated, and people using Xcode 12 or older can no longer publish their apps to the App Store without upgrading their Xcode version. Each year, Apple decides to deprecate the older version of Xcode and stop allowing apps built with it to be uploaded to the store.

How to solve version inconsistencies for a better compilation with Codemagic CI/CD

In the development world, it’s very common for technologies to be rapidly updated to introduce new features that improve the development experience and performance. These updates are very beneficial for developers because they allow them to create better products. This is especially the case when a CI/CD like Codemagic is used for continuous deployment that streamlines the process of delivering new products.

10 tips for better pull requests and code review

Code review is a widely adopted approach in the world of software development. Having fellow developers check your code (and checking theirs in turn) helps eliminate mistakes, clean the codebase, and share knowledge across the team. But as helpful as it is, code review can still be quite stressful and time consuming.

Why The World Doesn't Need QA Engineers (But still requires quality assurance)

For so many years, the companies have relied on a group of people for quality assurance – Testers, QA Engineers, etc., to be vigilant and help software development teams to deliver high-quality applications. We spent our days testing, reporting defects, debating business requirements, and wondering if it was a feature instead of a bug. Perhaps the world is changing; we understand this new era requires different approaches, breaking the silos and collaborating more.

Switch to JDK 17 + Parallel GC and speed up your Android builds by 9-20%

Speed up Android build times with simple tweaks to the Java Development Kit and Gradle. After benchmarking build times for 3 projects with different JDK versions, JDK 17 is now also preinstalled on all build stacks to help you get the 9-20% speed improvements we did. Learn more and try them!

Practical Guide: Flutter + Firebase + FlutterFire CLI + CI (Codemagic)

This article highlights three technologies that you can combine to create a super-app: Flutter, Firebase, and Codemagic. Our task is to configure Firebase for all platforms supported by the Flutter framework, utilize Firebase Remote Config to alter the appearance of our app without making these changes manually and then set up CI/CD using Codemagic to distribute our app via Firebase App Distribution. We’ll be creating a live demo of the app to demonstrate the power of these technologies.

How To Be An Open-Minded Tester?

Hello everyone 👋 Hope you are doing great. As a Tester, you might have received a lot of feedback from different people. Have you ever thought some simple tips can help to sharpen your testing skills? Yes, changing your mindset can bring a lot of changes to your daily routine work, thought process, and career. Have you ever felt that being open to the current bad situation caused less stress and impact on you? Are you reacting to every mishap around you?