“A single-threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous, concurrent programming language with many flexibilities”. This is how freeCodeCamp defines JavaScript. Sounds great, right? Well, read it again. JavaScript is supposed to be single-threaded and asynchronous simultaneously. Which, when you think about it, sounds like a contradiction.
Smartphones have advanced greatly since their introduction in the 2000s. From faster GPUs for gaming to advanced instrumentation, these devices are now more computer than phone. Given the limitations of simulators and the complexity of real devices, they've also become a challenge for app developers to test. Biometric authentication, a fast-growing smartphone technology, introduced testing challenges.
We made some improvements to our Reach Native demo app and reduced build time by nearly 60%. Check out what optimizations we made and how we sped up the build time on our demo app.
This years I/O can be easily summed up by just one phrase: “AI”. AI absolutely everywhere. Sundar Pichai started, mentioned numerous times and ended the Keynote by mentioning AI. Some of the main announcements around AI for developers included the general availablity of “Bard” supporting 20 programming languages and use of the “PaLM 2” based models with some like “Gecko” small enough to run on mobile devices.
TL;DR: M2 machines are up to 33% faster than M1 machines! For macOS and iOS builds, we see build time improvements of ~50% compared with the Mac Pro.
The mobile app release process is a work of art that has many moving parts which need to work simultaneously. In this article, you’ll learn how to master the art of mobile app releases.
This step-by-step guide will help you with the required steps to transition your mobile apps from Intel to Apple silicon.
Welcome to the latest edition of #FlutterFunFriday. This is the another instalment in a new series of posts where we’ll be spending some time to have a bit of fun with Flutter on a Friday. So grab a beverage of your choice, fire up your favourite IDE and lets have some fun!