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Snowflake Service Account Security: (Part 1)

This blog post series will put you in the mind of a defender. In cybersecurity, being a good defender means thinking like an attacker. Part 1 of this blog will focus on understanding why service accounts are excellent targets in the mind of the bad guys, and the threats and attacks a bad guy may use. In Part 2, we’ll lay out how to mitigate the threats and defend against these attacks using the tools Snowflake Cloud Data Platform gives you.

That 3am security call about Apache Kafka...

If you have worn the Platform or Security Engineer badge, or if you have a Sec/Ops role, you might have experienced something like this at some point in your career. Hopefully not. You receive a call at 3am, it’s your SOC, something’s not right. Oh sh*t! There’s unidentified traffic on the network from an unknown host and it’s communicating with a remote server. Sounds like a Level 3 exfiltration. It’s gonna be a long night.

Secure your Kafka Connect connections with Azure Key Vault

Kafka Connect is a great framework for moving data in and out of Kafka. But doing so requires connections with some of your most important data crown jewels. Customer information held in MongoDB, audits in a S3 bucket, payroll information in an Oracle database. Connecting to these data stores requires authentication.

NodeSource GitHub Action - Code Risk, Compliance and Security Checks in GitHub PRs

NodeSource developed a GitHub Action that can be used as a lightweight CI workflow. Whenever a PR is submitted, NodeSource's 'Node Certified Modules' (NCM) uses the NCM pipeline to check and evaluate the project. The PR then fails or passes depending on the project’s risk profile. The integration delivers detailed code annotations to reflect where certain risk factors occurred in your project.

RBAC - Role Based Access Control

Last week, we announced NSolid 3.11.1, which introduces Role Based Access Control along with support for Node.js Erbium v12.16.2 and Dubnium v10.20.1. You can read here for more information. NodeSource’s Role Based Access Control feature empowers Org Admins to create, define, manage and assign roles that provide access privileges to distinct user-actions and/or views in the NSolid Console and

Protect Your Applications With Cleafy Plugin for Kong

When protecting your online services, the weakest link is represented by the endpoints – that is, by the end-user devices running web or mobile applications or by external systems leveraging open APIs. As a matter of fact, there is a growing number of targeted attacks leveraging sophisticated techniques such as malicious web injections, mobile overlay and API abuse attacks to perform identity hijacking, account takeover, transaction tampering and payment frauds.

How to Secure APIs and Services Using OpenID Connect

A modern API gateway like Kong enables organizations to achieve some use cases much more easily than traditional gateways. The reason is older, traditional gateways try to provide as many features as possible into a heavyweight monolith, while modern solutions use a best-in-breed approach. These traditional solutions not only try to be a gateway, but they also try to be a business intelligence system, a central logging hub, a monitoring tool and so much more.

You can trust us: we are HIPAA compliant

Can you keep a secret? What will it take for me to trust you to keep and protect a secret that I share with you? If you are a friend or family member, I may not need more than you saying “Yes”, but if I don’t know you, I will likely want additional guarantees or proof that I can trust you. This is particularly true if you are an organization handling personal information about me.