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Fraud Prevention - 3 Data Strategies for Financial Services

Fraud awareness in the Financial Services industry is more important than ever. According to the September 2020 benchmarking report conducted by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in response to the coronavirus, 77% of survey respondents, representing a range of industries, have observed an increase in the overall level of fraud as of August, compared with 68% in May. The report reveals 68% of respondents have observed an increase in payment fraud schemes (vs.

5 application security risks telcos should look out for

The telco industry is ripe with application security risks—find out why. The telecommunications industry has seen its fair share of cyberattacks over the years, and these are only going to grow in frequency and sophistication. Without a robust cybersecurity strategy in place, these vulnerabilities will persist. This is why security should be an ongoing effort in any telecom organization, and vulnerabilities must be systematically addressed to ensure protection.

Is Testsigma secure for your organization?

SaaS (software as a service) which is one of the most popular forms of cloud computing has completely revolutionized the world of cloud computing as it is being adopted by a majority of the IT organizations to modernize their IT structure. With companies shifting their tools and platforms from on-premise to cloud-based solutions, there is no doubt the future belongs to the SaaS test automation platforms.

Secure & Govern APIs & Services | Kong Summit 2020 Demo

As the number of services and API teams are growing, control by a central IT team is declining. Rather than enforcing governance it is better to empower the application teams to do the right thing and build in security, governance and compliance into their applications. See how you can do this with Kong by encoding governance into on-boarding, and by providing the dev teams with the ability to inject compliance through fine-grained security policies. Here, we'll demo mTLS & OIDC plugins, RBAC, and Worspaces as ways to efficiently solve security and governance challenges using Kong Enterprise.

Threats That Data Analysis Can Protect You From

In our latest post we’re covering a range of the different kinds of problems and threats data analysis can help protect your business from. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in big data, cybersecurity and tech to shed light on some of the practical applications of using data analysis for protecting your operations.

How to Secure Your API Against Attacks and Intentional Misuse

Hiring a New York or Menlo Park white-shoe law firm to write your app’s Terms of Service (ToS) might bring peace of mind, but how do you ensure that your expensive rules are actually adhered to. Just like the pervasive abuse of customer review guidelines in B2C companies, B2B companies also suffer from multiple/unverified review problems. Similarly, by their design, APIs are also vulnerable to misuse by bad actors, but this time through brute force attacks.

ELK - Not Just For The Nice Visitors

Most of the applications we see for the ELK stack are from businesses which want to improve their customers' experience. To return relevant search results and to create Kibana dashboards that allow them to analyse data and give the customers what they want. But there are some cases where the customer is always wrong, and where the last thing you want to do is give a site visitor what he wants. Welcome to the world of forensics, compliance and fraud detection.

How to configure HTTPS for an Nginx Docker Container

There are a few ways to effectively configure HTTPs for an Nginx Docker Container. In this guide, we will quickly cover configuration through the use of free certificate authority Let’s Encrypt. For plenty of people, using Let’s Encrypt to configure HTTPS for an Nginx docker container is a good option. A paid version like Comodo’s SSL certificates may make more sense if you want to increase the security of your site and server.