Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


From Excel to API in minutes

Read data from an Excel file and host that data in a REST API in minutes by using a low-code platform. You can create your own application that will retrieve data from any Excel file. Easily write that data to a new file, apply enrichment and transformation, write it to a database or host it directly on a REST API. How to quickly create an API? Or an integration application? Why not give Low-Code platforms a try?

Quickly create a CRUD API using Low-Code

Quickly create a Create, Read, Update Delete API using low-code. How to quickly create robust and flexible CRUD APIs to take care of your BI data loading needs. Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends. Developers use Linx to build, test, deploy and manage backend solutions such as APIs, integrations and automation.

Simple REST API Creation for Data Distribution

This is a short, real-world example of how a REST API can be created using Linx. The API will allow for data retrieval from a database. You can create endpoints using a wizard. Linx is a general-purpose, low-code platform for backends. Developers use Linx to build, test, deploy and manage backend solutions such as APIs, integrations and automation.

Running a BI Team with limited resources

Business Intelligence (BI) teams often face several resource constraints that can impact their ability to deliver their objectives effectively. They must run effective operations with limited time, resources, budget and people. The role can be incredibly challenging when multiple projects are highly prioritised, where data and reports were required yesterday. That said, there are ways to make these challenges more manageable.

A Preview of Katalon's Autonomous Test Generation Capability

As practitioners of software development, we are all too familiar with the importance of automation. The benefits that automation brings are significant, but its adoption and the realization of its potential can be an ongoing journey, not a destination. It’s not a new concept, yet it continues to evolve and redefine the landscape of software testing.

Leveraging Test Automation for Next-Level Software Quality Assurance: A Preview of Katalon's ATG

As the world rapidly embraces digital transformation, software development, and its corresponding testing methodologies evolve to meet the increasingly high expectations of consumers. Automation, while not a new concept, continues to be a vital factor in this evolution, providing a plethora of benefits that cannot be understated. Indeed, the world of automation is mature, with countless companies leveraging it to enhance their software development lifecycle.