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Achieving Energy Efficiency With Data Efficiency: Vermont Gas + Data Governance Leaders

Vermont Gas (VGS) is a leader in energy efficiency and innovation, offering a clean, safe, affordable choice for over 53,000 homes, businesses, and institutions in northwest Vermont. They pride themselves on providing timely, comprehensive service for all their customers, ensuring they have heat, hot water, and energy to get through the cold New England winter.

What is Streaming Analytics?

What is Streaming Analytics? Streaming Analytics is a type of data analysis that processes data streams for real-time analytics. It continuously processes data from multiple streams and performs simple calculations to complex event processing for delivering sophisticated use cases. The primary purpose is to present the most up-to-date operational events for the user to stay on top of the business needs and take action as changes happen in real-time.

Why Leverage Heroku Connect with an ETL?

Ever since Salesforce acquired Heroku back in 2010, the two services have worked exceptionally well together. Businesses can use Heroku to build flexible and scalable applications while utilizing Salesforce to manage customer data and drive sales. And when you need to share data between these two platforms, there’s a dedicated add-on: Heroku Connect.

Biba Helou of Capital One Asks 'What's In Your Data Cloud?' | Rise of The Data Cloud | Snowflake

On this episode of the Rise of the Data Cloud podcast, host Steve Hamm sits with Biba Helou, Senior Vice President of Enterprise Data at Capital One, and they talk about the agility the cloud provides, how data can help personalize customer's experiences, and much more. Connect with Biba Helou Inside the Data Cloud, organizations unite their siloed data, discover, and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads across multiple clouds.

Bigtable vs. BigQuery: What's the difference?

Many people wonder if they should use BigQuery or Bigtable. While these two services have a number of similarities, including "Big" in their names, they support very different use cases in your big data ecosystem. At a high level, Bigtable is a NoSQL wide-column database. It's optimized for low latency, large numbers of reads and writes, and maintaining performance at scale.