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Social Media

The future of realtime Fan Engagement in sports and media [with video]

As a veteran of the sports media industry with 35 years of experience at Deltatre, Carlo De Marchis recently delivered a thought-provoking keynote at our Fan Engagement Summit exploring the current state of fan engagement, the challenges faced by organizations, and the potential scenarios for the future of realtime fan engagement in sports and media. In the following video and post, Carlo shares what he presented at the Ably Summit with a re-recorded version of his presentation, and summary of key points.

Is Social Media Important for Software Testers in 2024? | Rahul Verma | #softwaretesting

In this insightful video, Rahul Verma addresses a crucial question: Are social media platforms like LinkedIn essential for software testers? Rahul explores the significance of leveraging social media in the software testing profession, highlighting the potential risks and benefits for those who actively engage on platforms like LinkedIn.

Exploring 8 Business Analytics Data Collection Methods

In the rapidly evolving landscape of business, data is the key to informed decision-making. Business analytics, the systematic computational data analysis, plays a pivotal role in providing valuable insights that drive strategic choices. To harness the power of analytics, businesses employ various data collection methods. Below, we covered eight essential business analytics data collection techniques, shedding light on how these methods gather the raw material that fuels intelligent business strategies.

The Role of Social Media in SEO: Integrating Social Signals for Better Rankings

In today's digital landscape, the relationship between social media and search engine optimization (SEO) has become increasingly intertwined. Social media platforms have evolved into powerful channels for content promotion and engagement, and search engines have recognized the significance of social signals in determining website rankings. In this guest article, we will explore the crucial role of social media in SEO and discuss effective strategies in digital content managment to integrate social signals for better search engine rankings.

Boost Your LinkedIn Profile: Get Noticed by Recruiters Seeking QEs | Prathemesh A #futureskills

Are you curious about the future of quality engineering? Do you want to learn how to prepare for the upcoming changes in the tech industry? If so, you'll love this video! In this video, Prathamesh will share with you some key insights on what lies ahead for quality engineering. You'll discover: Based on Prathamesh's experience as a quality engineer and his research on the latest trends and developments in the field, he'll provide you with some useful resources and tips to help you upskill and adapt to the digital transformation.

Sprout Social - A Leading Social Media Monitoring Tool

Most businesses have to decide whether to spend money on a social media management tool. Usually, this happens once people have joined a few networks and are starting to feel overwhelmed by how difficult it is to manage them. Let’s look at some of the primary reasons why a social media management tool is worth investing in. Almost 30,000 companies utilize Sprout Social globally, in fields including education, hospitality, fashion, technology, digital marketing firms, and everything in between.

Be in the Know with Mention

Perusing the media to know what people are saying about a company is common practice for many businesses. But it’s not easy to keep up with every outlet around, especially when social media is in the mix. The media monitoring market is booming as companies need to be in the know when it comes to their social media mentions. If a disgruntled customer complains about a business online, it’s in the business’s best interest to respond and do some damage control before things escalate.