Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


API Meetup: Venture Capitalist Steve Forte on How to Build Winning Developer-First Companies

In a fireside chat, with VC Steve Forte of Fresco Capital, Moesif's CMO, Lawrence Ebringer, discusses how to master developer marketing and build a billion-dollar company. In somewhat of a wide-ranging discussion, Steve shares his perspectives on.

Future of Data Meetup (2022): Using Apache Iceberg for Multi-Function Analytics in the Cloud

Iceberg is a high-performance table format intended for large-scale analytics that ensures easy accessibility of data stored in multiple file formats common in the Hadoop ecosystem for different use cases common in the lakehouse architecture. During this meetup, we’ll assume you’ve never heard of Apache Iceberg and explain the basics: what problems the Apache Iceberg project is addressing, how iceberg works, what features iceberg tables offer and how you can put Iceberg to use in your own data projects that utilize Hive, Spark, or Impala.

What the heck is DPoP? | IAM Community Meetups - 2022

An Application-level proof-of-possession protections for access and refresh tokens. DPoP (Demonstrating-Proof-of-Possession) is an additional security mechanism for the token generation which overcomes the issue of bearer token which will not validate between who is requested token and who is actually using the token for the access of a particular resource. In DPoP, this will be avoided by validating the client who requested the token is the one who is actually using the token using the Signed JWT tokens known as DPoP Proof.

Kong Gateway User Meetup | December 2021 | Hackathon winner showcase - Rate limiting plugin

In this session, we welcome our Kong Summit Hackathon winner Narendra Patel, Sr. DevOps Engineer at Egnyte, to show off his Kong Gateway rate-limiting plugin, which allows you to rate-limit not just on the number of requests, but the bandwidth consumed too! Kong’s Online User Meetups are a place to learn about technologies within the Kong open source ecosystem. This interactive forum will give you the chance to ask our engineers questions and get ramped up on information relevant to your Kong journey.

Future of Data Meetup: Future of data and analytics in the Hybrid & Multi Cloud

The most valuable and transformative business use cases require multiple analytics workloads and data science tools and machine learning algorithms to run against the same diverse data sets. It’s how the most innovative enterprises unlock value from their data. Turning data into useful insights is not easy, to say the least. The workloads need to be optimised for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, delivering the same data management capabilities across bare metal, private and public clouds. In this session, we will discuss how businesses can leverage the combination of best-in-class software and public cloud to help businesses turn raw data into actionable insights, without the overheads and without compromising performance, security and governance.

Understanding the Basics of Envoy Configuration - Denver Meshy Mesh Meetup

Envoy is a key part of a number of service meshes currently on the market, including Istio and the Kuma CNCF Sandbox project. As such, it is often helpful to better understand how Envoy is configured to operate as a data plane in a service mesh. In this session, you’ll learn about the basics of Envoy configuration, like listeners, filters, clusters, and endpoints.

Mid Atlantic Meetup | May 2021 - What can APIs and Microservices tell us about organizations?

Architects are tasked with seeing that organizations meet their objectives with speed and quality, for a reasonable cost. This simple mission is anything but simple. Security, analytics, and everything in-between present themselves as forces to be acknowledged and considered. Building APIs and Microservices present new puzzles to be solved for architects. Or do they? In this session, we attempt to detect patterns that present themselves in organizations, which have their root in human elements. Yet reliably manifest in technology.

Hiding SOAP Legacy Applications Using the Mullet Pattern With Aaron Weikle | Kongcast Episode 4

Organizations don’t move as fast as technology. That’s why in this Kongcast episode, Aaron Weikle, Founder & CEO at MS3, explains how to continue supporting your organization’s legacy-based services as they continue to add the next generation of services. If you're planning on migrating legacy applications to microservices this episode if for you!