
AI/ML without DataOps is just a pipe dream!

Let’s start with a real-world example from one of my past machine learning (ML) projects: We were building a customer churn model. “We urgently need an additional feature related to sentiment analysis of the customer support calls.” Creating the data pipeline to extract this dataset took about 4 months! Preparing, building, and scaling the Spark MLlib code took about 1.5-2 months!

Woopra: Your End-to-End Customer Journey Analytics Companion

Customers interact with your business multiple times before reaching any goal. These repeated digital interactions are what make up the customer journey. Your customers’ overall experience across the different channels as they engage with your organization (websites, social media, email, etc.) make up the customer experience. Customer journey analytics refers to the process of analyzing the experience of customers across multiple touchpoints in the customer journey.

Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud on Red Hat OpenShift

Learn how Cloudera and Red Hat help enterprise companies securely manage the complete data lifecycle, putting data to work faster and reducing time to value. Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud on Red Hat® OpenShift® aggregates and visualizes data to derive actionable insights in a secure, hybrid, and open-source environment.

HDFS Data Encryption at Rest on Cloudera Data Platform

Encryption of Data at Rest is a highly desirable or sometimes mandatory requirement for data platforms in a range of industry verticals including HealthCare, Financial & Government organizations. The capability increases security and protects sensitive data from various kinds of attack that could be internal or external to the platform.

How Xplenty Simplifies Heroku PostgreSQL Data Integration

What can you do with data collected on Heroku PostgreSQL? How will you analyze it and integrate it? With Xplenty, of course! Xplenty lets you connect to a PostgreSQL database on Heroku, design a Dataflow via an intuitive user interface, aggregate the data, and even save it back to PostgreSQL on Heroku or other databases and cloud storage services.

Apache Ozone and Dense Data Nodes

Today’s enterprise data analytics teams are constantly looking to get the best out of their platforms. Storage plays one of the most important roles in the data platforms strategy, it provides the basis for all compute engines and applications to be built on top of it. Businesses are also looking to move to a scale-out storage model that provides dense storages along with reliability, scalability, and performance.