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Getting Started with Skaffold for Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes has experienced rapid growth over the years, with a recent post from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation reporting a userbase increase of about 67% in just the past year. Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that automates how containers are deployed, how they communicate, and how traffic is routed between them; it also scales configurations for both the containerized workloads and the underlying infrastructure that comprises the cluster.

How Zones and Meshes Fit Into Your Service Mesh Deployment

Kong Mesh (and Kuma, the open source project upon which Kong Mesh is built) supports multiple zones and meshes. What is the difference between a zone and a mesh, though? And when should one use a zone versus a mesh or vice versa? By the time you’re done reading this blog post, you’ll have a better understanding of the role of zones and meshes and where each of them fit into a Kong Mesh deployment.

API Discoverability and Self Service

Businesses have been adopting more apps over the last decade. The right applications make it easier for them to communicate with customers, analyze data, improve efficiency, and refine their business practices. The number of apps used by businesses jumped incredibly during 2020 as the pandemic made it more difficult or impossible for employees to work from their offices. As organizations rely more heavily on diverse applications, they need reliable API management tools with self-service features.

Banking API vs Open Banking vs Neo Banking Made Simpler

Fintech is the future of finance. From digital wallets to firms that help traditional banks create digital customer solutions, financial technology companies are thriving. Because of this, you may come across plenty of new banking terms. Keeping up with this terminology may seem challenging, which is why we’ve created our guide to the banking API vs Open Banking and Neo Banking.

Developer Experience Vs. User Experience

While they may seem similar at first glance, Developer Experience (DX) is not just “User Experience (UX) for developers”. Rather, DX is an extension of UX focused on users who build with technical languages and tooling. DX follows the same core principles of UX but extends it by recognizing that technical details and mechanical processes can be understood and utilized efficiently by a developer.

Data Mapping Best Practices | A Guide to Types, Approaches, Tools

In any application integration, data migration and in general, any data management initiative, data mapping is one of the most critical steps. One could even argue that the integrations project success depends largely on correct mapping of source to target data. So, let’s review what the data mapping best practices are: the types, the common approaches as well as the useful data mapping tools.

3 Benefits of API Banking

Financial institutions rely on APIs to permit their different financial software solutions to communicate or to give clients access to their processes. Every time a client opens a mobile app for banking on their phone or interacts with the financial services industry through the web, they are using APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). The interaction with mobile users is one of the biggest benefits of API banking and APIs in general.

Newly Developing Technology Promises a Bright Future for IT

The future is unpredictable. One thing you can count on is the future of IT. The IT world will continue to grow, expand and make breakthroughs, no matter what else is happening in the world. Your competition jumps on new technology as soon as they are able. To stay ahead of them, you have to be prepared to embrace IT transformation before they do. The future of IT promises to bring unprecedented opportunities for businesses prepared to implement new technologies sooner, rather than later.