Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Testing Woes: Reasons Behind Flakiness in Tests | Cristiano Cunha | #flakytest #softwaretesting

In this informative video, Cristiano Cunha, a distinguished software testing professional, reveals the reasons behind flakiness in tests. Cristiano uncovers the root causes of flakiness and explains why this phenomenon occurs in testing processes. Whether you're a tester, developer, or anyone involved in software testing, this video offers valuable knowledge on understanding and mitigating the challenges of flakiness.

How C# Reflection Works With Code Examples

To write code that can read, examine and even write code in runtime. Sounds like magic? Welcome to the world of C# reflection. Being able to write code that can examine and modify other pieces of code dynamically is quite a useful power. That’s what we call reflection, and in this post, you’ll learn how C# reflection works. We’ll open the post by covering some fundamentals. What is reflection in C#? Why do people use it? We’ll break all that down for you in plain English.

Why low latency is important for transportation and logistics companies providing realtime updates

The transportation and logistics industries contain much more complexity than the average consumer would guess. When they build apps, they need to provide a simple, intuitive experience supported by a complex and most often unseen system of vehicles criss-crossing neighborhoods, states, and countries, supported by employees and systems working from behind the scenes to orchestrate the processes necessary to make this all work smoothly.

3 Convincing Reasons to Regularly Update Your Business' Software Systems

In today's fast-paced digital world, software systems play a crucial role in the functioning of businesses and organizations. However, the mere installation of software is not enough to ensure its optimal performance and security. Regular software system updates are essential for maintaining the integrity and functionality of these systems. Software maintenance, including updates, is often overlooked or neglected by users.

Optimising iOS builds with Tuist and Codemagic CI/CD

👋 Welcome to our guide on using Tuist and Codemagic CI/CD for mobile developers. In this guide, we’ll focus on how you can utilize the capabilities of Tuist, a command-line tool that helps maintain and interact with Xcode projects, in conjunction with Codemagic to expedite your build processes. We can significantly enhance build speed and efficiency through smart caching techniques. 🚀