Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

How To Survive a Recession in Business with Data Integration

Many businesses are facing new challenges in the wake of a looming recession caused by many factors, along with challenges carried over from previous years since the pandemic. As supply and demand shifts, prices of goods and services increase, causing inflation to rise. In response, the Federal Reserve attempts to control inflation through interest rate hikes, which lead to tightened credit conditions.

Building Trust in Generative AI

Is the generative AI honeymoon over already? After months of buzz around its transformative possibilities, excitement is now starting to be tampered by a growing concern on trust and data privacy. Just in the last few weeks, there have been several lawsuits launched against AI companies, including a well publicized charge of copyright infringement.

Unveiling the Key Security Concerns of CISOs Regarding Generative AI within the Enterprise

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for various industries, and it seems like enterprises are fast to adopt it. Generative AI refers to the use of machine learning algorithms to generate original and creative content such as images, text, or music.

Embracing the Future: How Generative AI is Transforming and Supercharging the Landscape of Knowledge Work

The world of knowledge work is undergoing a profound transformation as generative AI emerges as a powerful force driving innovation, efficiency, and productivity. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, generate insights, and streamline complex tasks, generative AI is reshaping the way professionals work and unlocking new possibilities. It also raises fears of replacing knowledge workers with Generative AI.

CDO & CDAO Guide to Enterprise Generative AI

We all know that organizations face a huge challenge in extracting valuable insights from vast amounts of data. Chief Data Officers (CDOs) and Chief Data Analytics Officers (CDAOs) play a key role in this process, as they are responsible for managing and leveraging organizational data to drive sustainable and responsible growth. One technology that has revolutionized the way they unlock value from business data is generative artificial intelligence (AI).

How to Price Analytics Applications

The best and most desired outcome for your unique analytical application is that it delivers commercial returns, makes it is easy for your sales team to sell, and even easier for your customers to buy. To achieve these outcomes, you have to get the pricing right. There are many ways that you can price an analytics application, but the most important analytics pricing consideration is always finding the approach that makes the most sense for your unique use cases and business requirements.

Why Reinvent the Wheel? The Challenges of DIY Open Source Analytics Platforms

In their effort to reduce their technology spend, some organizations that leverage open source projects for advanced analytics often consider either building and maintaining their own runtime with the required data processing engines or retaining older, now obsolete, versions of legacy Cloudera runtimes (CDH or HDP).

Xray Enterprise Test Case Designer tutorial - Part 1

🚀 Deliver faster and more reliably than ever before with Xray Enterprise. Xray Test Case Designer will guarantee that 100% of the system interactions are covered in as few tests as possible. Every test you generate with the Test Case Designer is optimized to achieve maximum coverage, allowing teams to achieve greater coverage in fewer overall tests.

Master Page Speed Testing with LoadFocus: Multiple Locations, Devices, and Schedules!

Discover how to leverage LoadFocus's enhanced features to run a comprehensive page speed test across multiple locations and devices. Schedule your tests from hourly to weekly and gain invaluable insights into your website's performance. Dive into this tutorial to unlock the true potential of your website today!

The Art of Data Leadership | A discussion with Chief Digital Officer, Ray Kunik

Our Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Shayde Christian, sits down for a buzzworthy conversation with Chief Digital Officer Raymond L. Kunik Jr. to discuss the “other” CDO role, the science behind work-life integration, the impact and applications of #AI, and its correlation with a pretty sweet hobby.