Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

A Step-by-step guide to creating production-ready APIs in Go with Gin and Gorm

Take your API development skills to the next level with Go, Gin, JWT, and Gorm. Follow this detailed step-by-step guide to create robust, secure, and production-ready APIs that harness the power of authentication, authorization, and database integration.

Java Memory Leak: Decoding Myths

Java undoubtedly is one of the most used programming languages today. Not surprising if you yourself were trained in it. Over the years, it has gained a reputation for being both powerful and efficient. However, like any other language, Java has its share of challenges. And one of these is the problem of memory leaks, and fair enough, there are more myths surrounding it than ways to overcome it. But this blog is all about it.

A Beginner's Guide to API Data Formats: JSON, XML, Plain Text, and Binary

Imagine you are sending a message to your friend, but you want to ensure that no one else can understand it. So lets say you are encoding your message using a special language that only you and your friend knows. This way, even if someone intercepts the message, they won't be able to understand its true meaning. The encoded message itself is what we call the "payload." In the world of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), the concept of a payload is quite similar.

How to Use the ChatGPT API with Java

Imagine harnessing the power of ChatGPT's human-like responses right from your Java code! It'd be like adding a supercharger to your already powerful engine. This step-by-step, hands-on guide (with full example code at the end) will show you exactly how to integrate, interact, and leverage this union so you can build smarter applications. Before you know it, you'll have Java and ChatGPT playing nice to deliver a user experience that's nothing short of mind-blowing.

3 Ways AI, ML, and Predictive Analytics Can Help Solve the Nursing Crisis

The nursing profession is in crisis. According to McKinsey, over 30% of surveyed nurses said they may leave their current patient care jobs in the next year, and for inpatient nurses it’s higher at 45%. Meanwhile, the average professional tenure of nurses dropped from 3.6 years to 2.8 years between 2020 and 2023. These alarming trends have healthcare systems on red alert. Ninety-four percent of surveyed health system senior executives said the nursing shortage is critical.

How to Use the ChatGPT API with Golang

ChatGPT is like that cool, incredibly talented artist every band wants to collaborate with. When you need something extra, something that will give your application a bit of zing, that's where ChatGPT comes in. It's got that rhythm that gets feet tapping. This guide will take you step-by-step on how to bring together the text-generating wizardry of ChatGPT with the simplicity and efficiency of Golang, opening up exciting new possibilities for crafting more intelligent applications.

ThoughtSpot for Sheets delivers Generative AI to every knowledge worker

Today we're excited to officially launch AI Explain on ThoughtSpot for Sheets, the ultimate cheat code for data literacy and exploration. AI Explain integrates Google's PaLM 2 LLM, specifically leveraging the Bison model to automatically generate the top data stories for any visualization created with our Sheets extension.

Legacy to Cloud Migration | The Pros and Cons

Evaluating your business’ legacy to cloud migration strategy is a necessary step for successful digital transformation. Legacy systems are old software applications and infrastructure that are still in use by businesses today. They were often built on outdated technologies and may not be compatible with modern cloud platforms. However, legacy systems can also provide a number of benefits, such as stability, reliability, and familiarity.