Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

July 2023

Turbocharge Your Test Automation With Katalon and GenRocket

When doing testing automation, it is extremely critical to be able to perform data-driven testing. Data-driven testing (DDT) at the test case level allows you to add one or more data files and manage data binding at the test case level. The most common approach is to provide an Excel or CSV file as input to the test case. The file is modeled per test case structure and then populated with different datasets.

Top 60+ Software Testing Interview Questions & Answers 2023

Interviews are generally anxiety-inducing, but as long as you have some solid preparation before you enter the interview room, there is nothing to worry about. In this article, we have prepared top 60 software testing interview questions, each with detailed answers and explanations, for you to consolidate your knowledge in the field. Our questions are carefully selected and categorized into 3 sections: Beginner level - Intermediate level - Advanced level.

3 Top Process Compliance Challenges and How to Solve Them

Technology is an indispensable ally for navigating process compliance challenges with confidence. That’s because as digitization expands and regulatory requirements change, process compliance becomes more and more difficult to address manually. In this blog post, we’ll examine common process compliance challenges and how technology can help solve them. The most significant challenges for process compliance are manual and paper-based systems.

Implementing MLOps: 5 Key Steps for Successfully Managing ML Projects

MLOps accelerates the ML model deployment process to make it more efficient and scalable. This is done through automation and additional techniques that help streamline the process. Looking to improve your MLOps knowledge and processes? You’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we detail the steps you need to take to build and run a successful MLOps pipeline.

herDIGITALstory Chapter 2: Unleashing the Power of AI in Healthcare

In the realm of technology, fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Blockchain, and Data Science have witnessed remarkable advancements that shape the future of our world. However, as these industries flourish, the lack of diversity within their ranks has become glaringly apparent. At Cigniti, we believe in ‘building bridges and embracing togetherness’ and are committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in technology.

Why data integrity is essential for transportation and logistics companies providing realtime updates

With the rise of online ordering and the growth of delivery, consumers and businesses alike order more packages, expect them faster, and want rapid updates on progress, delays, and changes. Companies providing transportation and logistics services, then, have a compelling reason to add realtime update features to their apps. In other articles, we’ve talked about the broad challenges transport and logistics companies face when providing realtime updates, including scalability and low latency.

Handling Massive Fan-out with AWS Lambdas

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows developers to run their code without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. With Lambda, developers can upload their code and the service takes care of scaling, provisioning, and managing the servers required to run the code. This means developers can focus on writing code and not worry about the underlying infrastructure.

6 Practical Examples of APIs in Everyday Life

APIs are bits of software that act as interpreters for two different programs. They’ll connect to each service via endpoints and relay messages back and forth, doing the work of software integration for you. But how does this actually look in the real world? Read on for some examples of APIs. Here’s the key things to know about some of the examples of APIs in everyday life: Table of Contents.

Episode 4: Troubleshooting & debugging across the SDLC (SD Times Microwebinars)

Everybody is talking about the importance of shift-left and they’re definitely right. But – little by little, we’re seeing the opposite movement. We’re seeing the SDLC itself shifting right. Today, engineers spend most of their time developing and testing code in production-like environments. To meet those challenges, we need to adapt appropriate Observability tools throughout the SDLC.

What To Expect From Ruby 3.3

Ruby, the all-time popular programming language from Japan, has continued to evolve with each iteration, empowering developers worldwide to build powerful and elegant applications. As the community eagerly awaits the release of Ruby 3.3, there is a lot of excitement around the potential enhancements and features that this version promises to bring.