Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2023

Mastering Date and Time Handling in Kotlin for Android Developers

The software industry has evolved more quickly in 10 years than most industries do in 1,000, yet we continue to grapple with the basic elements of date and time. Practically all our apps rely on time in some way, and when our users are spread all over the world it can be fiendishly difficult to get the timestamps right. Kotlin language, the dominant Android programming language, provides native classes (or blueprints) to help us deal with date and time.

Entry Criteria for Software Testing

Entry criteria in software testing refer to the prerequisites that must be met before testing activities can commence in a software development project. Entry criteria typically vary depending on the specific testing phase or level. The specific entry criteria may vary from one project to another, depending on factors like the software development methodology (e.g., Agile, Waterfall), project size and the organizational processes.

Why is Continuous Testing Important? | Nishi G. | TestFlix 2023 | #softwaretesting #agiletesting

Join Nishi G. in this illuminating discussion on "Keeping the Wheel of Continuous Testing in Motion." Continuous testing is the linchpin of continuous delivery, and in today's software landscape, embracing the concept of continuity is paramount.

How Can Software Testers Raise The Bar | Embracing Technology | Anuj Magazine | #testautomation

In this thought-provoking video, Anuj Magazine explores the dynamic intersection of tech excellence, innovation, and disruption. The fast-paced world we live in demands not just adaptation to change but an embrace of the rapid pace of transformation.

Contract Driven Development and Contract Testing via Specmatic

In software development, an API-first approach has emerged as a powerful methodology for building robust and interoperable systems. An API, or Application Programming Interface, acts as a set of rules and protocols that enables different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines how different software components should interact and exchange data.

Make accessibility compliance part of the decision

In this episode, join our engaging panel once again, as they delve into the crucial topic of ensuring accessibility in software and testing. Discover the latest best practices for making software accessible to everyone. Whether you're a developer, tester, or simply curious about this important aspect of software, this episode provides valuable insights for ensuring that your applications are inclusive and user-friendly for everyone. Tune in now to stay informed about the latest in software accessibility on Test Case Scenario!

Install Playwright on MAC in 5 Easy Steps | Playwright for Beginners | #playwright #testautomation

In this step-by-step video tutorial, Sundaresan K. guides you through the straightforward process of installing and setting up Playwright on your Mac in just five easy steps. Whether you're a developer, a tester, or someone looking to explore this cutting-edge automation framework, this video provides clear and concise instructions to get you up and running with Playwright.

COMING SOON: Uncover Opportunities In Your Data With New Visualizations and More Powerful Charts

Data is not just a buzzword; it’s a strategic asset. From sales figures to customer engagement metrics, data plays an important role in helping your business grow. But here’s the catch: without the right visualization, uncovering actionable insights can be a challenge. For example, let’s say you want to know which marketing channels are driving the highest amount of website traffic and conversions.